Castle Links

Web Pages Provided By:

Our Favorite Graphic Sites:
     Moyra's Web Jewels
     Star Backgrounds by Rhymester
     Web Graphics--Rita Peitz
     Artist for Hire
     Cats 'n' Kittens' Designs

Highlander Sites We Visit:
     Quink's Highlander Links
     Animated Highlander GIFs
     Chris Gallery

Other Favored Sites:
     During the construction of some of our pages, we met Rhymester, who has become a special friend.  In addition to her above graphics pages, we invite you to visit her Index and Poetry pages.  *** In case you haven't visited the Poet's Corner, Rhymester has a book of some of her poems being published!  Visit her site for the latest information on the release and a sampling of the poems that will be included in the book.

The MIDI Farm

We are grateful to the above sites, either for the 
services they have provided us, for linking to our
site, or just for being there to enrich our cybertravel.
We hope you can find time to visit these special links.

Home E-mail GuestBook

Background and divider bars provided by

Castles and buttons provided by

Please do not copy or download any of these images,
the artists work hard to provide these graphics.
We invite you to visit their sites and abide by their principles.


This page updated 9/9/99