Past Imperfect
Written by Cait MacChat
Part One
“I thought I’d find you here, Kit,” he said softly as he entered the study and walked towards the fireplace. The tall, red haired woman slowly turned away from the picture window and faced him, silent tears coursing down her face.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Adam asked as his smooth features creased with concern.
“Rebecca.” Kit replied, her voice cracking with grief.
Taking Kit into his arms he held her closely and murmured unintelligible words of comfort, rocking her as if she were a child. After a moment he gently disengaged and led her to the overstuffed sofa in front of the fireplace.
“I think a brandy is in order. I’ll stoke up the fire and join you,” he said as he walked over to the intricately inlaid rosewood beverage cart.
Removing the stopper from antique Lalique crystal decanter, he poured generous portions of the soothing liquor into the snifters. Swirling the brandy in elegant motions, he took his time - allowing the warmth of his hand to give the finest Napoleon an opportunity to come to full flavor. As he handed a snifter to Kit, their hands touched briefly and he, once again, marveled at the sensations he felt each time he touched her.
Placing his drink on the mantle, he busied himself rearranging logs and rekindling the dying fire. There, he thought, as he poked at the embers, perhaps this time she’ll tell me her story.
“You know,” she began, “I’ve always loved to watch the mist and fog over the Gorge but today it reminded me so much of when I first met Rebecca. Only that day it was smoke and haze from a hundred fires. It seemed that all of London was burning.”
Kit’s eyes took on a faraway expression as her memories took her back in time. Staring at the fire, dancing behind it’s protective screen, the flames took on a life of their own. The crackling of the logs was transformed into the sound of wooden buildings being consumed by a conflagration that would ultimately destroy half of London.
Abruptly tearing her eyes away from the fire, she turned towards her companion. Looking deeply into his eyes she was like a supplicant seeking reassurance that she was still in the present and not lost amongst the ruins of her long-ago home.
“I’m here, Kit. You’re safe. There’s no need to talk about it if it upsets you,” he said softly as he reached over and gently caressed her face with his knuckles. “I will confess that I’m curious as to how you came to know Rebecca. I regret I never had the chance to know her. MacLeod and Amanda seem to revere her -especially Amanda. She must have been a very special woman to have taken Amanda on as a student,” he continued with a slight curve of his lips, thinking he certainly wouldn’t have had the patience to instruct her.
“She was more than my friend,” Kit whispered, then paused, “she was my teacher.” Seeing his eyes widen in surprise she continued, “Oh yes, Rebecca had a propensity for picking up stray Immortals – especially those newly born. Rebecca found me in 1381 during the Peasant’s Revolt. She and Amanda had parted ways some years earlier.”
Hoping to comfort her Adam placed his arms around Kit but stopped as he felt her stiffen. “It’s ok, Adam, really. I would dearly love another drink, please? ,” Kit asked in a voice that told him she needed some space.
“Your wish is my command, m’lady,” he said lightly as he stood up and held out his hand for her empty snifter. “And, since I’m up shall I fetch us something from the kitchen while I’m at it? It was all I could do to keep from sampling whatever it is she’s put in the pot! From the scent of it, I’m thinking Renee made a batch of beer cheese soup, and I know she made fresh bread this morning. Thank God you found her and I hope you’ll keep her. It wouldn’t do to have your competition steal her away from us!” Adam knew he was rambling but he knew Kit needed a distraction from her memories. Talk of food, her chef and her Bed and Breakfast were just the thing to take Kit’s mind off her past.
“Yes, please, Adam. I’m suddenly very hungry. But, please pass me my re-fill before you go.”
He poured another brandy, adjusted the fire and, with a warm smile, left the study in search of Renee. The hallway leading from Kit’s study, her sanctuary, was long and softly lit. His footfalls were muted by the softest, most luxurious of Aubusson carpets. Landscapes depicting the Columbia River and Gorge were interspersed between polished brass wall sconces, which lit
the hallway with a warm glow. Adam paused to look at his favorite painting - the same scene he viewed whenever he looked out the window in Kit’s study.
Continuing down the hall, his thoughts were occupied with the beauty of the area and the retreat Kit had created in the wilds of Washington State. He remembered when she had come to him with a proposition to restore the Bischof estate and convert it to a Bed and Breakfast. The Bischof’s were an old and distinguished Portland family who’d made their fortune harvesting the vast timberlands of the Pacific Northwest. Like hundreds of others, they’d lost the majority of their assets in the Crash of ‘29 but managed to hold on to the mansion they used for their summer retreat. While not as opulent as its counterparts in the East, Riverhaven was as elegant as any Newport could offer.
While Kit was moderately wealthy, she’d needed a partner to assist with the massive infusion of cash necessary to restore Riverhaven to its former glory. Adam remembered the first time he’d seen the house and toured the grounds. He remembered the sinking feeling in his gut when he’d mentally calculated exactly how much money Kit was going to need to get the B & B up and running. Adam wasn’t known for free-spending ways. In fact it was a standing joke, among his closest friends, that he could make a nickel scream in agony before parting with it! As much as he hated to think about how much it had eventually cost, he couldn’t fault the atmosphere Kit had created - it was worth every penny!
As he made his way down the private staircase leading to the ground floor, he allowed his nose to guide him to the kitchen. He found Renee sitting in her usual place at the long oak table, which dominated one end of the large kitchen area. She was busy writing out her grocery list in anticipation of her twice weekly shopping trip into Portland.
“Parsley, brown sugar, leeks,” Renee muttered under her breath, “baking soda, whole wheat flour....”
“Hello, Renee, how are you this fine drizzly day?” Adam asked as her gave her a brief kiss on her forehead.
“Hello yourself and what can I do for you?” Renee replied as she started to rise.
“Keep your seat,” he said as he waved her back down, “Would you like more tea? Your cup looks just about empty.”
“That’d be nice, thanks. What brings you down here? I thought you and Kit would be working on the books,” Renee asked with one eyebrow raised in question.
“No, we’ve put that off until later. Kit’s not in the mood,” Adam replied with a shrug, “Perhaps tomorrow or the next day. No hurry. Actually I came down to see if the soup’s ready and if so, could I beg two bowls and some bread?”
“So you and Kit won’t be down for dinner this evening? If not, would you mind if I took off a little early? I’d like to head over to Carson for a mineral bath and massage if you won’t need me. I’ve made a salad, it’s in the fridge, and it won’t take but a minute to fix a tray for you if you’d like.”
“I’d like very much. You’re a good soul,” he said with a smile. “I’ll make a quick phone call while you’re setting up the tray. I’m sure Kit won’t mind if you leave a little early and we’ll be staying in this evening. I’ll be back in a bit, Renee and thank you.”
Adam left the kitchen, walked through the formal dining room and into small alcove off the common room. While he could’ve used the private line in his bedroom, he always enjoyed using the alcove phone. He punched in the numbers from memory and waited patiently for his party to answer.
A well-modulated voice answered the phone with an abrupt, “MacLeod”.
“Adam here. I won’t keep you but I want to know if you’re still planning to join us tomorrow? Kit’s looking forward to seeing you and Renee is planning a very special dinner for us if you’re still coming.”
“Everything Renee prepares is special and I’m looking forward to a few days away. I should see you around mid-afternoon if that works for you.”
“Perfect. See you then.” he replied and hung up the phone. That’s good, he thought to himself as he walked back to the kitchen to retrieve their dinner, Kit will be pleased.
“Viola, Adam!” Renee greeted him with a big smile, “This should hold you over until breakfast. If you feel the need for refreshment later on there’s cold chicken, some cheese and fresh pears in the fruit basket,” she added in a voice heavy with innuendo.
“Umm, wonderful Renee. Thank you. Enjoy Carson. Don’t forget to lock up and we’ll see you in the morning.” Adam said gratefully as he picked up the tray and gave her a nod goodnight.
Balancing the tray he made his way back to the study, careful not to slosh any of the golden yellow soup. Although Renee had served the soup in covered bowls to keep it warm, he was taking no chances. He knew there’d be hell to pay should he spill anything on Kit’s precious carpet.
The door to the study opened easily with a well-placed nudge of his hip. With a flourish, Adam announced, “Madame, dinner is served,” and placed the tray on the antique sideboard. When he turned around, he was surprised to find he’d been talking to himself. The brandy snifter, the decanter and Kit were gone.
The sweet scent of sandalwood mingled with that of a dozen beeswax candles. Steam was rising from the sunken marble bathtub. Condensation from the steam combined with the cool air and misty rain outside made the view from the bay window seem surreal. “Thank God I put my foot down and convinced Adam to agree to this,” Kit murmured as she refilled her glass and sank back into the hot water. A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she recalled one of their many battles over her bathroom.
“Bloody hell, Kit, what are you thinking?” Adam demanded as he read over the plans. “A marble tub, sunken marble tub, big enough for six? My God - are you planning to bathe or go swimming? And this item - a bay window? If you want to look at the lawn and gardens, go sit on the patio!”
Kit sat silently across the desk from Adam, thoroughly enjoying the show. While it wasn’t always the wisest course to take, she did enjoy tweaking him from time to time. Watching his face go white then slowly turn several different shades of red was amusing. He was working himself into a fine state of financial outrage.
“Adam, calm down, have a beer and let me explain.” Kit said with infinite patience.
“Explain? By all means explain. I’m all ears,” Adam shot back sarcastically.
“When we became partners, we agreed that I would oversee the day to day operation of Riverhaven. Once the renovations are completed you’re basically out of the loop other than collecting your portion of our profits. I, on the other hand, continue to be responsible for ensuring we do turn a profit, hiring, firing, supervising the staff, overseeing to the comfort of our guests, and the myriad of other details that keep us up and running. Riverhaven will be my home as well, Adam, and I insist on making my private rooms my refuge – separate but every bit as comfortable as the rest of the house. You’ve made it quite clear that you would only be using Riverhaven as a base. I’ll be living there as long as I can manage to keep my head.”
“I’ve always wanted a luxurious bathroom - one which includes a sunken marble tub - with Jacuzzi I might add - and a bay window so I can lay back and survey my domain. My 50 per cent of the investment is going towards the kitchen, the private quarters - including my bathroom - and that’s the way it’s going to be. How you elect to design and furnish rooms is totally up to
you. For all I care you can bathe in a wooden tub. Do you have any further questions, or shall we move on?” Kit continued in her firmest, most uncompromising voice.Kit laughed out loud at the memory and that was that sound that led Adam to her. He opened the door just in time to see Kit raise her glass in a toast to herself. “A private joke or may I ask what you find so amusing?” Adam said, startling her.
“Oh, I was just tripping down memory lane, remembering the day you and I ‘discussed’ my plans for the bathroom.” Kit explained.
“Yes, well I, um, faintly recall there was a bit of a disagreement over this room,” Adam said with a touch of embarrassment in his voice, “However, you’ve proven a thousand times over your wisdom in insisting on it. I hate to interrupt your soak, but I did bring dinner - it’s in the study whenever you’re ready.”
“Will dinner wait? If I know Renee, she saw to it that the soup would stay warm for a while. Why don’t you join me? I used the sandalwood oil just in case. I know you hate the sweeter oils. Fetch your glass and we’ll soak for a bit and talk. What do you say?” Kit asked sweetly. She’d noticed how his eyes kept wandering over the length of her submerged body.
“Hum, well, yes Kit, that sounds like a fine idea. I’ll be right back.,” he replied as he hastily turned away and left the room.Kit lay back and allowed her mind to go blank, waiting for Adam to return. The ring of crystal as it made contact with marble and the sound of clothing being hastily shed caused Kit to change her position for a better look. While Adam favored baggy sweaters and jeans, Kit favored Adam in his birthday suit.
Feeling her eyes upon him, Adam slowed down. He’d already removed his shirt and was in the process of unbuttoning his jeans. He locked his eyes on hers, he licked his top lip, and slowly unbuttoned the top button, pausing for a heartbeat before going on to the next. Kit’s green eyes began to darken as she allowed her gaze to travel south. His long, finely made fingers fascinated Kit almost as much as the rest of his body - and he knew it. The mundane task of removing his clothes became a tantalizing drama in Kit’s mind.
Kit began to feel a warm flush suffuse her body that had nothing to do with the warmth of the water. Fascinated by the slow unveiling of his body, Kit marveled again that he had chosen to stay with her, his travels becoming fewer and farther apart.
After what seemed like an eternity, he undid the last button, slid his jeans down over his hips and kicked them away. At Kit’s sharply in-drawn breath, Adam’s body responded to the implied compliment. He walked towards her, basking in the frank admiration he saw in her eyes and stepped down into the tub. Kit reached for the decanter to pour for him but found that her hands were shaking.“I’ll pour, Kit. It wouldn’t do at all for you to drop this. Glass everywhere and a waste of good brandy to boot,” Adam said in a caressing voice. He filled both their glasses and placed Kit’s in her hand, making sure her fingers held the glass securely. “Now, what shall we talk about”, he inquired as he lay back, resting his head on the bath pillow opposite Kit. He stretched, arranging his legs so that they rested on either side of hers, like open scissors. Languidly he rubbed his legs against her, looking steadily into her eyes.
“Umm...I find myself at a loss for words at the moment,” Kit managed to say as she tried to slow her breathing.
“Let me begin by saying how lovely you look. I love the way the steam turns your hair into curls. ‘There was a little girl who had little curls, right in the middle of her...’”, he chanted as his toes found the soft curly hair at the center of her. He smiled and raised his glass in a silent toast as he saw Kit’s eyes widen with pleasure as his foot caressed her. Pointing his toes, he probed her most intimate place and felt the silky wetness so deliciously different than the water that surrounded their bodies. “Here’s to you, Kit, and your determination that resulted in this oasis. My congratulations.”
Closing her eyes, holding her snifter tightly in both hands, Kit took a sip of the brandy, feeling it burn as it traveled down her throat, adding to fire burning inside her. Kit’s eyes slowly opened as he bent his mouth to hers. They looked into each other’s eyes as their tongues began to dance with one another…
“As much as I hate to say this, I’m getting goosebumps. I’m also hungry!” Kit said with a sigh. “Shall we?” she asked as she disengaged herself from his embrace.
“I’m at your command. Let me up and I’ll get our robes. You can blow out the candles. Another brilliant stroke of genius, fair Kit, insisting on the warming racks.” he commented as he reached for the warm Turkish bath towels and motioned towards the rack where two floor length bathrobes were hanging.
After tenderly drying each other with the heated towels, and warmly cocooned in their robes, they walked arm-in-arm back to the study. Much to their relief the soup was still warm and they ate in companionable silence, each savoring the food and each other’s company. Leaving the dishes for later, they moved back to the sofa in front of the fireplace. Kit snuggled comfortably in one corner watching as Adam once again stirred up the fire from embers.
Turning towards her as he replaced the poker and closed the fire screen he said, “This seems to be where we left off earlier. Do you want to tell me more about Rebecca or would you prefer to talk of other things?”
Reaching out to pull him down next to her, Kit whispered, “Please, another time. Perhaps tomorrow? Duncan’s coming and I know he’ll want to hear the story as well. He’s always been curious but too much of a gentleman to pry. He loved her too, you know. He and Amanda love to talk about when the three of them met! And, even though I know I couldn’t have changed anything, I still feel guilty about her death. If Patrice hadn’t stolen my crystal, perhaps she’d still be alive, Rebecca might still be alive....
“And you could’ve lost your head!” Adam snapped. “I’m sorry Rebecca’s dead but I’m not sorry the whole issue of the Methuselah Stone is dead as well. I tried to save Alexa using the crystals and failed miserably. I’d just as soon forget the whole ordeal. Those crystals caused more harm than good,” Adam stated flatly.
Taking a deep breath he continued, “I forgot to tell you - I was, um, distracted - but Renee left early. She was going into Carson for a mineral bath and massage. She left us cold chicken and other assorted goodies should we feel the need to raid the refrigerator later. When I saw her earlier she was making her shopping list so I’m assuming she’s going into Portland in the morning. You know how she always does something special for dinner when Duncan’s here.”
“Yes, I know,” Kit laughed, “Renee’s intimated she’d like to serve him something else besides dinner but so far no luck. I think she thinks she’ll find just the right combination of foods to peak an interest in satisfying his ‘other’ appetites. You know the French, Adam - good wines, good food, great sex - that’s their national motto!”
Standing up, he pulled Kit into his arms and whispered, “Your castle is secure, milady. While not slain, the dragons have retired for the night. May I suggest we do the same?”
“Your room or mine,” Kit replied.
“Yours for tonight. I want to go to sleep smelling the scent of your sandalwood. Your question reminds of me something that I’ve been meaning to discuss with you for some time now. Don’t you think it’s time to dispense with the ‘my bed or yours’ and simplify it by making it ‘our bed’?”
“Hum,” Kit murmured, “ Tell you what, I’ll sleep on it and we can talk about it tomorrow. In the meantime, lead on Sir Knight, our chamber awaits.”
Join us in the Magazine Rack in two weeks for Part 2 of this wonderful story!
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