Past Imperfect
Written by Cait MacChat
Part 10
“What the hell just happened?” Renee muttered to herself as she stomped her way down the trail to her house, her strong legs working like pistons. “It’s not like Kit to be so evasive. And, Duncan, my God, he wouldn’t even meet my eyes!” she continued furiously.
Mornings had always been Renee’s favorite time of day - but this morning she didn’t notice the play of light and shadow among the trees, ignored the lush, heady scent of damp earth after a good soaking rain.
As she rounded the last bend in the trail, she stopped short when she saw her house. Looking closely, Renee tried to see any outward changes. It looks the same, she thought, but it’s not, really. A man wanted to kill me but he died instead.
Approaching the door, she slowly pushed it open. We didn’t set the alarm again after the police left. I won’t be making that mistake again, she thought ruefully.
Standing in the doorway, Renee scanned the room. She felt goosebumps rising as her eyes found the spot on the floor where de la Garza fell. Renee felt her stomach begin to churn as she remembered the sickening thud of his body hitting the floor, the grotesque angle of his head, the awful smell of his body losing its waste as his muscles relaxed in death.
Sprinting to the kitchen Renee barely made it to the sink before losing the coffee she’d drunk with her friends only a short time ago. Shuddering with fatigue, she turned around and slid her back down the cabinet. Wrapping her arms around her legs, she laid her head on her knees and quietly began to cry.
“Would you please settle down? You’re making me tired,” Adam asked politely.
“What? Oh sorry,” Kit replied as she continued to pace. “Do you realize this is the first time Renee’s ever shrugged me off? We’ve had our disagreements before but she’s never, ever, completely blown me off like she did this morning!”
“She has a lot to think about, Kit. Give her a break. It’s not every day that someone sneaks into your house, pulls a gun on you with every intention of using it. It’s not every day that someone dies in your home. At least he had the good manners to die cleanly - no blood anyway. Then, to top it off, you witness a ‘miracle healing’ only to have your friends evade your questions.”
Moving to take Kit in his arms, Adam continued, “It will be fine, really it will. There’s no point in worrying about it now. Renee’ll have a good cry, take a shower and fall into bed - typical mortal reaction to too much stress. Of course, she may not run true to form. She may simply pull out a bottle and drink herself senseless.”
“Oh, thank you for those reassuring words, Adam,” Kit said pulling away.
“I’m thinking you need a cup of tea, Kit. Shall I brew us a pot of something soothing - say Chamomile?”
“Fine. Whatever,” Kit said tiredly. Returning to his arms, Kit gave him a brief but strong hug and gently laid her hand against his cheek. “Thank you. I’m tired and worried and not myself.”
“Back in a bit,” Adam responded as he took her hand and kissed it lightly. “Don’t go away.”
“MacLeod?” Adam said as he felt the distinct buzz of another immortal nearby.
“Yeah, it’s me. Couldn’t be Amanda - she hasn’t had enough time to buy out the store” Duncan responded morosely. “Making some tea - want some?”
“Great minds thinking alike once again,” Adam said with wry humor in his voice. “Amanda shopping at an outlet? Just goes to show, contrary to popular belief, there is something new under the sun. I’m on a mission for Kit and I see you beat me to it. She’s pacing and fretting. I thought some tea, Chamomile, might help settle her down a bit.”
“I’m glad it’s you instead of Kit,” Duncan said sincerely. “Do you have to get back to her right away?”
“Yes, I promised tea. But it won’t take but a minute to deliver and I can be right back.”
“I need to talk. Will you listen and not judge?” Duncan asked.
“ Me? Judge?” Adam asked incredulously. “Thought we’d gone beyond asking that kind of question.”
“You’re right. Sorry,” Duncan responded as the tea kettle began to sing. Turning to the stove he went about the ritual of making tea as Adam retrieved cups and saucers from the cabinet.
“You know, I had a very hard time justifying the Limoges china, but Kit was right on the money again,” Adam said as he placed the delicate china cups into the saucers. “Nothing in the world like sipping tea out of bone china cups.”
“Lovely,” Duncan said dryly. “Can ye just take the tea to Kit and come back?”
“Hold that thought, MacLeod,” Adam said over his shoulder as he left the kitchen. “Impatient Scot,” he muttered as he made his way back to the study.... and Kit.
“Tea time,” Adam announced. “Bloody hell, she’s done it again,” he swore under his breath. The study was empty. Turning around with the tray, he walked the few short steps to Kit’s bedroom. “Ah, you impatient wench, you - couldn’t wait,” he said softly as he placed the tray on her dresser.
Kit lay sleeping, her face contorted in a frown. Adam smoothed the comforter up around her shoulders and was rewarded with a sigh. Kit’s face relaxed and her breathing became deep and even.
“Sleep well,” he whispered as he left her to her dreams.
“Ok, old chum, what’s on your mind,” Adam inquired as he settled himself into his chair at the kitchen table. “Aside from Renee of course.”
Adam chuckled as he received a ‘drop dead’ look from MacLeod.
“Bugger off old chum,” Duncan said sarcastically. “She’s special, you know?” Duncan asked rhetorically.
“Really? I hadn’t noticed,” Adam responded. “She’s a great cook. She helps Kit. She’s lovely in her own gypsy-ish way. So? What’s your point?”
“Try to follow along, Adam,” Duncan said sharply, “You going to help me or not?”
“Sorry. Of course, if I can,” Adam replied contritely.
“She’s wonderful, Adam. She’s strong, she’s brave, she’s verra smart.”
“And you’re besotted,” Adam stated flatly.
“Yes, I am,” Duncan confessed.
“So what’s the problem?” Adam asked.
“Anne....” Duncan said as his voice trailed off. The pain and disillusionment of that failed relationship was expressed in that one word.
“Renee is nothing like Anne and you know it,” Adam stated firmly. “Renee’s cut from totally different cloth. Anne would have gone to pieces - she did before when things became, um, unruly, and Renee kept herself together. There’s no comparison!”
“I love her,” Duncan said softly but with conviction.
“Oh god, say it ain’t so,” Adam said with more than a touch of exasperation in his voice. “You’re awful at love, MacLeod - I don’t know why you don’t simply give it up!”
“And you feel nothing but a platonic business partnership with Kit?” Duncan replied with a sneer.
“We’re not talking about me and Kit,” Adam said complacently. “What’s your point?”
“We...” Duncan paused.
“Yes, I know you did,” Adam finished for him. “And?”
“It was like coming home,” Duncan said - a touch of wistfulness in his voice. “How do you know we did?” he continued sharply.
“Oh, something about finding you in your underwear, pushing Renee behind you,” Adam replied.
Duncan’s shoulders sagged as he sipped his tea. “I’m unsure, Adam. For the first time in a long time I’m unsure.”
“Let’s take a walk,” Adam suggested. “Let me show you around the grounds - we’ve made some improvements since you were here last. I need some fresh air - you?”
“Ah, smell that air MacLeod,” Adam said as he inhaled deeply. “I imagine it reminds you of the Highlands - cool, clean and earthy. Kit wants to plant heather in your honor. She’s very fond you of you know.”
“And I of her. She’s special, Adam - and you could do with a bit of special. You’re more relaxed than I’ve seen you in a long while. Want to tell me about it?”
“No, I don’t. We’re talking about you and Renee, remember?” Adam steered the subject back on track, “What are you going to do about it?”
“Don’t know. I feel very protective of her and that’s making things more complicated. I know she’s going to die but I don’t want her to die. Doesn’t make any sense, does it?”
“Of course it does, MacLeod, you’ve always had this problem. You haven’t learned to put enough space between you and your, our, mortal friends.”
“You mean like you did with Alexa?” Duncan said without thinking.
“Yes, like Alexa,” Adam replied softly. “Low blow, MacLeod.”
Turning to his friend, Duncan’s face reflected sorrow and an unspoken apology. Their eyes met and each acknowledged their shared losses. “Forgive me,” Duncan said simply. Adam accepted the apology with a fist to Duncan’s upper arm.
“Back to our present dilemma - we’re going to have to explain some things to Renee tonight. As I said earlier, I think we should leave it up to Connor to do the honors,” Adam said. “Renee trusts him. I think he’d be the best one to break the news.”
“Yes, I agree. But I think we’d all better be there when he does. I’d like to be the one to meet him at the airport. I’d want to talk to him privately and the ride here would be the perfect opportunity. If Amanda’s not back could I take Kit’s car? I’m with Amanda on that one - de la Garza was a nasty piece of work - I’m not sure I trust my car.”
“Done,” Adam replied.
“You don’t want to talk about you and Kit, do you?” Duncan asked bluntly.
“No, I don’t but it seems you won’t let it go,” Adam answered. “What do you want me to say? “
“Try telling me the truth - as much as that may hurt. ‘Fess up Adam.”
“She’s bright. She stands up to me - I don’t get away with much with her. She brings out the romantic side of me I thought I’d lost when Alexa died. I bring her flowers for God’s sake!” Adam said with exasperation in his voice. “She makes no demands. We never lack for conversation.”
“In other words, you’re besotted,” Duncan stated flatly.
“Yes, old chum, it appears that I am,” Adam admitted to both Duncan and himself. “If you’ve seen enough of the grounds, I suggest we get ourselves back to the house. Kit’s sure to be up by now - we’ve been gone an hour.”
“I want to check on Renee,” Duncan replied. “I need to see her.”
Turning around they began to retrace their steps, talking of everything and nothing as they walked back towards home.
Part 11 will be posted in two weeks! Join us then for
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