Past Imperfect
Written by Cait MacChat
Part 11
Knocking forcefully on her front door Duncan almost shouted, “Renee, it’s me, Duncan. Please open the door!”
“Go away,” came her muffled reply, “I’m not in the mood.”
“Please, I won’t stay long. Please let me in.”
Pausing to de-activate the alarm system, Renee slowly cracked the door and peeped around it. “I don’t feel up to seeing you, or anyone else right now. Later, all right - just later.”
With gentle, non-threatening pressure, Duncan pushed on the door. As he hoped, Renee didn’t resist. She stepped back as he opened the door and came inside. Seeing her pale, tear-streaked face his heart went out to her. Opening his arms, he approached her. “Come here,” he demanded softly and enveloped her in a cradling hug.
“I’m sorry, Renee. I’m sorry for everything that’s happened. How can I help you?”
Shaking her head back and forth, rubbing her forehead against the soft chambray of his shirt, Renee silently told him there was nothing he could do.
“You haven’t cleaned up or changed. Why don’t we take care of that then get you in bed. You look like what the cat drug in,” Duncan suggested. Receiving no response from Renee, he picked her up in his arms, like a child, and carried her upstairs. Gently depositing her on her bed he continued, “I’ll run you a bath. You sit right here and I’ll be right back.”
Renee listened to the sound of running water as if through a fog. Her eyes were dull with fatigue and her posture reflected her physical exhaustion. She felt the bed absorb Duncan’s weight as he sat down beside her. He carefully began to unbutton her blouse, careful to keep his touch neutral and business-like. The last thing he wanted to do was to distress her, have her get the wrong idea as he undressed her. Slowly and carefully he stripped her down and led her to the bathroom.
He helped her step into the warm bath and was rewarded with a soft sigh. “There now. Just lie back and relax. I’ll do the work. Take a breath, go under water and get your hair wet...we’ll start there.” Renee complied and he began to wash her hair. His strong hands massaged her scalp. Her neck moved as if it was boneless as he worked the lather through her hair.
“Rinse,” he commanded and again she complied.
Perusing the array of scented bath gels on the shelf by her bathtub, Duncan selected a tropical floral. Pouring a small amount of the gel onto a soft wash cloth, he lifted her limp arm and began to wash. He felt an overwhelming tenderness towards Renee as he competently and methodically cleaned her body. She offered no resistance lying in the warm water, allowing him to wash away the tension, moving only at his gentle insistence when he needed to reach other parts of her body.
Duncan was pleased to see her face loose it’s blankness and a small smile tilt the corners of her generous mouth. Just as he was mentally congratulating himself she suddenly sat straight up, her eyes wild. “What is it, Renee?” Duncan asked startled, “What’s wrong?”
Renee snatched the wash cloth out of his hands and began to furiously scrub her body. Her skin turned red from the sheer force of the friction of cloth against skin. “Oh God, I’ve got to get clean,” she muttered furiously, “I’ve got to get rid of him.”
With firm pressure Duncan wrapped his hands around her slim wrists, stilling her hands. “Renee, I’m here. He didn’t touch you. It’s all right now,” he said soothingly. Looking into the depths of his brown eyes, she saw, and felt, his strength. The panic left her as suddenly as it had come.
“But he looked at me,” she whispered, “he looked.”
“And that’s what saved us,” Duncan reassured her.
Releasing her hands, he gently urged her up and out of the bathtub. With tenderness and infinite care he dried her off and led her back to her bed. Duncan pulled down the sheets and comforter and, with a gentle touch on her shoulders, indicated she should lie down. Crawling into the bed, Renee felt utterly drained. Duncan pulled the covers over her then lay down beside her.
“Do you want me to stay?” he asked.
Nodding her head, Renee moved closer to him, placing her head on his chest. Duncan absently began to stroke her damp hair. After a few minutes he felt her breathing become slow and steady as she fell into a deep sleep. He lay there with her and allowed his thoughts to drift aimlessly until he, too, surrendered to the need for sleep.
“Whennnn willll I beeee luvvveddd,” Kit sang along, at the top of her voice enjoying the sting of the shower. Uh oh...she stiffened as she felt the presence of another immortal. Great - in the shower with nothing more dangerous than a loofa sponge, she thought to herself. I can always squirt shower soap in it’s eyes.
“Never - if you keep singing like that,” Adam said as he jerked open the shower door. “You are truly atrocious, Kit. You couldn’t carry a tune in a wheelbarrow - much less a bucket!”
Turning the shower head so it hosed him down, Kit replied, “Thank you for the recommendation - I’ll buy a wheelbarrow tomorrow!”
Pausing only to shed his shoes Adam joined Kit in the shower. “I thought you’d be feeling a tad less frisky but you’ve evidently had a good sleep?”
“Aside from a bad turn at the beginning, I slept well,” Kit said as she began to help Adam shed his clothes. “You’re all wet.”
“You noticed? Are you?” he shot back - one hand bracing himself on the side of the shower, the other reaching for Kit’s center.
“Are you going to help me or not?” she retorted as she playfully slapped his hand away from her body.
“If you insist,” he said as he worked his jeans downward. “Denim should be labeled as a drowning hazard - it weighs a ton when it’s wet.”
“You should know better than to join me in the shower with your clothes on,” Kit chided. “Baa-da-da-de-dah-dah-dahh,” Kit parodied the stripper tune as Adam shed the last of his clothing.
“Is that an invitation to bump and grind ?” Adam leered.
“I have the bumps,” Kit replied.
“And I have the grind,” Adam said naughtily.
“Eeewww, love ta love ya, baby...” Kit crooned more than slightly off key.
“Save the singing for later, won’t you, please?” Adam asked as they sank to the floor of the shower.
“ bout I-ee-eye will always love you,” Kit said shyly.
Adam looked at Kit’s face and saw nothing but her heart in her eyes. “You love me,” he said flatly.
“Yes, is that a surprise?”
“No. I’ve thought about us for a long time. Duncan and I talked about it today. No, that’s not true. Duncan asked about us today. He asked - I evaded the question.”
Still moving together they both knew their physical climax would coincide with a long standing, long unresolved, emotional climax.
“So, do you have something to say to me ?” Kit asked as she began to peak. “Speak now...or...forever...hold...your peace.”
“I..,” Adam whispered in her ear as he released himself into her. “ I love you, God help me.”
Part 12 will be posted in two weeks! Join us then for
more of this wonderful story!Our absolutely beautiful
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