Past Imperfect
Written by Cait MacChat
Part Twelve
“So you think you need the assistance of a deity to love me?" Kit asked as she vigorously towel dried her hair. “You sure know how to charm a woman. I get all tingly when I think about it,” she said in a teasing but deadly serious voice.
“You’re a wretched woman, you know that?” Adam asked as he took her into his arms. Clad only in a towel wrapped around his slim hips, Kit loved the feel of his bare back against her palms as she returned the embrace. “It’s difficult for me to love - it never seems to work for very long. I wasn’t sure I could love again after I lost Alexa but you’ve shown me otherwise. I owe Connor in a very big way for introducing us. I’m glad he’s coming to help us with Renee.”
Offering her lips, he kissed her hard then broke the embrace. Whipping the towel away from his body, he flicked it against her bare bottom and walked towards his room. “You never answered me about combining bedrooms,” he said over his shoulder. “Care to answer me now?”
“After much thought and consideration, carefully weighing the pro’s and con’s, I’ve decided,” she paused dramatically, “you should start moving your things immediately if not sooner.”
“See? Invoking a deity pays off from time to time,” he said, a smile warming his face. Shrugging himself into another of his trade-mark sweaters as he walked back to her, Adam tilted her chin up and kissed her again - this time a long, lingering kiss. “I do love you, Kit,” he sighed into her mouth just as the alarm beeped signaling someone had entered the house.
“Yuuu whoo, I’m baaackkk,” Amanda announced to an empty kitchen. Depositing her overflowing shopping bags on the table, she sank down into the nearest chair. Wonder where everyone is, she mused. She didn’t have to wonder for long as she felt the buzz of another immortal approaching.
“Did you make the Pendleton payroll for the rest of the year?" Kit asked. “Did you have a good time?"
“Yes and yes - I had a great time!” Amanda said with a grin. “I bought sweaters and blankets. The blankets are amazing - so soft and beautiful. I’m taking them back to Paris as gifts. How was your day? You look...different.”
"Different? How?"
“You’re glowing. What’s happened?" Amanda demanded as another buzz caught her attention.
“I confessed,” Adam answered the question for Kit.
“Confessed to what...this time I mean,” Amanda said wickedly.
“That I love Kit,” he said firmly.
Amanda’s face went blank with shock and surprise. The silence was very intense until the sound of joyous laughter filled the air.
“I don’t see what’s so damn funny, Kit,” Amanda managed to squeak out.
“Your face! And the fact that someone managed to render you speechless,” Kit answered as the laugh turned into a giggle. “I think I’ll write this down on my calendar ‘Amanda rendered speechless on this date’.”
Rising from her chair, Amanda moved to Adam. Looking deeply into his eyes and seeing nothing but honesty in them, she slightly kissed him on his cheek and smiled, “Good for you, Adam - it’s been a long time coming and I’m glad it’s Kit.” She held out her hand to her friend and Kit took it. Squeezing her hand firmly Amanda smiled and said, “I wish you all good things, Kit.”
Kit blushed, Adam cleared his throat and Amanda looked a little sad. “Maybe one day someone will say the same things to me and mean it,” she said wistfully. Putting a briskness in her voice that she didn’t truly feel Amanda continued, “In the meantime, I think we should have a drink. C’mon, Kit, pop a cork - the sun’s past the yardarm and we should celebrate! Where’s Duncan by the way?”
“He’s with Renee, at least I think he’s with Renee. We went for a walk earlier and I last saw him walking towards her place,” Adam said as he pulled a bottle of champagne from the refrigerator. “I’ll set this up. Why don’t you go light a fire, Kit, and I’ll meet you in the common room.”
Amanda and Kit nodded their agreement; their arms linked, talking head to head, indulging themselves in the intimacy that long-standing women friends share as they left Adam to his preparations.
Duncan woke suddenly when he felt Renee’s body tense. “Sshhhh, I’m here,” he murmured softly.
Lifting her head from his shoulder, she found herself looking deeply into his eyes. A feeling of safety suffused her and she relaxed against him. “You’re still here - thank you,” she said quietly.
“Did you think I’d leave you?” he asked.
“I hoped you wouldn’t. I’m glad you stayed. What time is it? I feel like I’ve slept for days,” she asked in a sleep-tinged voice.
“Time for us to get up and about,” Duncan said firmly. “I’m picking Connor up at the airport and I need to leave soon. How are you feeling?”
“Much better thanks to you. The bath was wonderful - I don’t know that I could have done it without you, Duncan.”
“There’s a lot I don’t want to do without you, Renee,” he said seriously.
“I don’t understand - what are you talking about?”
“I’m sorry, this isn’t the time or place - I want to talk with you later. I promise I’ll explain myself. I really do have to go if I’m going to pick Connor up on time.”
“Damn it, Duncan - what’s going on here,” Renee’s demanded. “There are entirely too many things hanging with no explanation. I’m really getting angry and I want you to explain yourself right now!”
“I love you. We’ll talk about it later,” Duncan almost spat the words. “This wasn’t how I intended to tell you. I’m going now and you can chew on that little bit of information until we have time to talk it through.” Kissing her hard and quick, he rose from the bed and walked out of her bedroom leaving her dumbfounded.
“Well that is what I get for asking,” Renee murmurred dazedly as she heard the front door closing behind him. “Oh my...”
Pressed and dressed and feeling almost human again, Renee slowly strolled down the path to the main house. God, what a beautiful day, she thought to herself as she took the time to appreciate the beauty of the woodlands. She stopped and turned back to look at her house. The sunlight through the trees made dappled shadows on the carriage house - but this time she felt only love for her home. The fear, the trepidation, had disappeared with no small thanks to Duncan. He loves me, her heart sang, after all this time he said he loves me.
Feeling suddenly invigorated, Renee began walking again - this time with a definite spring in her step!
As Renee rounded the corner to the main house she noticed the Volvo was gone but Kit and Duncan’s cars remained. I wonder if he’s still here, she thought as butterflies attacked her stomach. I wish he hadn’t told me - how do I act now? Mon Dieu, she told herself sternly, you’re not a schoolgirl with a crush on the quarterback.
The kitchen was empty so she walked through the house to the common room. Oh good, Amanda’s back - that means Duncan’s already left, she thought with a mixture of relief and disappointment.
Noticing the bottle of champagne on the low table in front of the love seat Renee asked, “What are we celebrating? Have you booked Riverhaven through the summer?”
Rising to greet her, Kit smiled and replied, “No, something better!”
“What could be better than that?”
“We’re celebrating the fact that confession is good for the soul,” Adam replied dryly. Seeing the confused look on Renee’s face he continued, “I just announced the fact that I’m in love with your boss.”
Placing her hands on the back of the love seat to steady herself Renee murmured, “This must be the day for it.”
“What did you say?” Amanda asked
“Oh, I said what a lovely day for it,” Renee improvised. “It’s beautiful outside. Lovely day, lovely announcement and I’m thrilled for you both - even though it took you long enough, Adam. Kit’s been in love with you for ages.”
“Yes, um, well then - champagne Renee?” Adam said as a light blush stained his face. “I’ve been known to be a little slow on the uptake but eventually I do catch on.”
After toasting to love Renee asked, “What time is Connor due?"
“They should be back in a couple of hours, why?” Kit replied.
“When I was at Lord’s yesterday - was it only yesterday - I picked up a whole salmon. I have time to make dinner before Connor arrives,” Renee explained.
“That’s my Renee,” Kit laughed. “You’re definitely feeling ok if you’re thinking about cooking. What else is on the menu?”
“Let’s see, an endive salad, roasted parsley potatoes and broccoli with red peppers sound good?”
“And for desert?” Amanda continued.
“An amaretto cheesecake?”
“What are you doing standing here, Renee? Get with it!” Amanda instructed. “What can I do to help?”
“Come keep me company if you’d like,” Renee invited with a smile. “But, be warned, I may put you to work.”
“My pleasure. I think we should leave these two alone for a while,” Amanda agreed with a sickly sweet smile, “I think they probably have some things to talk about.”
Adam favored Amanda with one of his famous ‘looks’ - one that plainly said “Go away and bugger you!” while Kit smiled her thanks.
Part 13 will be posted in two weeks! Join us then for
more of this wonderful story!Our absolutely beautiful
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