Past Imperfect
Written by Cait MacChat
Chapter 13
“Good to see you, Connor, but you’re looking a little haggard,” Duncan said by way of greeting to his Clansman.
“And you wouldn’t after logging 5,000 air miles in twenty-four hours?” Connor responded sarcastically. “Let’s claim my bags and get out of here - I’ve had enough of airports. Plus I’m starving.”
“Don’t worry about your stomach. Renee’ll feed you when we get to Riverhaven.”For once it didn’t take forever to claim the luggage - they were out of the airport and on the road to Riverhaven in record time. By tacit agreement, they spoke of generalities until they crossed the Highway 5 bridge from Portland into Vancouver. Seeing that Duncan was hesitant to begin, Connor opened the topic of the events that had transpired in the last 24 hours.
“I understand we have a problem with Renee,” Connor stated “Why don’t you start at the beginning.”
“Aye, you could say we have a small problem - actually, make that problems.”
“So tell me,” Connor said, “Spare no details.”
Connor allowed Duncan to recount the confrontation with de la Garza, the interview with the police, Amanda’s accident and Renee’s reactions.“There’s something you’re not telling me, Duncan,” Connor observed when Duncan had finished catching him up.
“I’m in love with Renee and I told her before I left to pick you up,” Duncan confessed.
Connor sat silently, mulling over Duncan’s announcement.
“You have nothing to say?” Duncan queried.
“I just don’t know what to say. Does she love you?"
“Yes, at least I think she does. I didn’t really give her a chance to respond before I left,” Duncan replied. “We’ll just deal with it as things progress. I haven’t had a chance to ask you about Spain, de la Garza, and that whole situation.”
“I know, but I’d rather save it until we get there - I don’t want to have to tell it twice.”
“What are we going to do, Connor. How are we going to explain us to Renee? More importantly, do we tell her she’s a pre-immortal or let it slide for now?”
“Let me get the lay of the land, talk to Renee and we’ll go from there. How’s Kit?”
“She’s fine. Head over heels in love with Adam as always.”
“How’s he feel about her? He’s a fool if he lets her slip away,” Connor stated flatly. “Kit and Renee are two very special women.”
“Are you telling me you’re speaking from experience?”
“With Kit - no, not in the intimate sense. She’s been a good friend to me for a long time. Renee - yes, once a very, very long time ago,” Connor said evenly.
“How long is a long time ago?” Duncan said in a voice he tried to keep neutral but failed to prevent his surprise and jealousy from coming through.
“On Terre-du-Haute when we learned her parents had been killed. She was hurting, in shock, frightened and I....”
“Consoled her, did you?” Duncan finished the sentence. His knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel as a myriad of conflicting thoughts filled his mind.
“Yes, consoled is a good word. And she did the same for me. It was a fleeting affair but if you’re asking if I loved her, love her still, the answer is yes. But not the way you do, Duncan. As I once explained to Kit, she’s more like a sister. I was her protector, her bodyguard of sorts, until I sent her to Kit. I’m no threat to you, Duncan.” Connor explained.For long minutes Duncan didn’t reply as he digested Connors words. The thought of his friend and kinsman having made love to Renee caused his stomach to roil and clench. Yet, Connor had never lied to him and there was no reason to doubt the truthfulness of his words now. Still, it was rather a bizarre thing to be discussing and Duncan was unsure how to reply.
“Well?” Connor asked as the silence drew out.
“I just don’t know what to say,” Duncan mimicked Connor’s previous response.
“I take it Renee never mentioned it? But then, why should she. As I said, it was a long time ago. Let me offer you some advice.” Connor began.
“Do you have to?” Duncan interrupted.
“I once told you that you have a talent for getting all the good women. You have a good woman in Renee - don’t screw it up with some misplaced jealousy or question your feelings for her over something that happened before you ever knew her.”Once again Duncan gave no immediate response. Keeping his eyes locked on the winding road, he mulled over what Connor told him. After weighing Connor’s words Duncan said, “You’re right. I wish I didn’t know but it makes no difference how I feel about her. And, yes, I do get all the good women.”
Connor laughed and after a heartbeat Duncan joined him.
“We’re almost there - any other bombshell’s you’d care to drop before we face the ladies?”
“No,” Connor replied, “none that won’t wait for a single telling.”
Part 14 will be posted in two weeks! Join us then for
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