Past Imperfect
Written by Cait MacChat
Chapter 14
“Kit found the perfect location for her B & B,” Connor observed as he twisted and stretched his cramped muscles, easing them after sitting for so long on airplanes and in automobiles. “It’s beautiful! I’m looking forward to the grand tour.”
“Yes, she and Adam have done wonders with this place. It had been neglected and needed a lot of work to get it up and running. Kit loves to show it off,” Duncan replied as he hefted Connor’s bags out of the Volvo. “You ready?”
“No, but we’re here so let’s do it,” Connor said as they approached the front door, and without bothering to ring the bell, walked right in.
“Yes, I love my place on Martinique and,” Amanda paused mid-sentence, her stance becoming alert and wary.
“What is it Amanda?” Renee asked puzzled. “Are you all right?”
“Oh, what? Yes, of course, just fine,” Amanda shrugged as she heard Kit greeting Duncan and Connor. “They’re here!”
“Then go on, I’ll put the broccoli on to steam, the potatoes are almost ready. I’m right behind you,” Renee said as excused Amanda from kitchen duty. Taking her time she continued dinner preparations. Washing her hands, wiping down counter-tops, Renee delayed joining her friends. As much as she wanted to see - needed to see - Connor, she wasn’t sure how to approach Duncan after his surprise announcement. Just deal with it as it comes, she thought, take your cue from him.
“Renee, Connor’s here. Are you coming?” Kit asked from the kitchen doorway. “Is there something I can do to help you or can you break now?”
“Right behind you,” Renee replied as she dried her hands and neatly refolded the kitchen towel.
“Connor!” Renee exclaimed joyfully as he turned to her, lifted her up in a breathtakingly tight bear hug, and kissed her heartily on both cheeks. “I’m so happy to see you. Did you have a good trip? Thank you for coming.”
“Mon cheri,” Connor said as he put her feet back on the floor and released her. “How are you?” he asked seriously as he looked into her eyes as if he could see into her soul.
“I’m better, thank you,” Renee replied as tears formed in her eyes. Seeing Connor again after three years, remembering how safe she felt when she was with him, feeling the strength of his embrace gave her an overwhelming sense of relief. “I’m sorry, I suppose I’m not that great after all. It’s been a rather interesting 24 hours.”
“You look beautiful and I’ve missed you,” Connor said as he gently took her back into his arms. “But do stop crying, it makes your nose red - most unattractive.”
Renee giggled and the emotional tension was broken.
“Connor, now that you’re here, I have questions and need answers,” Renee said pleadingly.
“Food first, talk later,” Connor stated firmly.
Recognizing the tone Renee knew she’d have to wait. There was no pressing Connor and she knew it. “Amanda, would you consider helping me again? There’s not much left to do - setting the table, putting the fish on to poach. I could use a hand.” Renee had studiously avoided meeting Duncan’s eyes and did not include him in the invitation.
“Certainly,” Amanda replied with a gracious inclination of her head. “You name it.” She rose from the sofa and shot a questioning glance towards Duncan.
“I’ll take Connor’s bags to the Blue Room,” Adam said. “Duncan, would you mind re-filling the wood box?”
“And I’ll give you a tour if you’d like, Connor - you haven’t seen my place, I mean our place, except on blueprints.” Kit offered.
Carefully noting the undercurrents flowing around him, Connor jovially replied, “I want to see everything. If the rest of the house is as beautiful as this room, I can’t wait to see it all.”
Nodding happily, Kit took Connor by the hand and led him out of the room.
“Renee,” Duncan began.
“Dinner in 20 minutes,” Renee interjected as she made a “come on” motion towards Amanda. “Don’t be late,” she commanded.
With a perplexed look on his face, Duncan nodded and left to fulfill his assigned errand as Adam played valet for Connor’s bags.
“Let’s start with the “paying guest” quarters,” Kit said. “As you saw from the blueprints, Riverhaven is u-shaped. We gutted the house and basically started from scratch. Renee’s responsible for the design of the kitchen, but I’ll show it to you later. We have five two-bedroom suits and five individual rooms. Our economically inclined business people like the idea of the suites - for some reason sharing a suite makes them feel as if they aren’t spending as much money as they would in having single rooms. We do a good business with honeymooner’s as well - we’re booked solid from the end of April through the last of August. The individual rooms face the patio and gardens, the suites face the Gorge.”
“And, of course, you charge an arm and a leg for the privilege of sleeping at Riverhaven,” Connor inquired with a raised eyebrow and laughter in his voice.
“Of course! I’m, we’re, not in this business for our health,” Kit laughed as she opened the door to a suite. “Viola! What do you think?”
“It’s breathtaking, Kit,” Connor said reverently as his eyes took in the luxurious furnishings. “I could be happy in a room like this.”
“Great! I’ll send you a bill!” Kit replied with a smile in her eyes.
Two overstuffed chairs, in deep rose, complimented a love seat upholstered in a navy, cream and deep pink colored floral. The table lamps suggested an oriental theme through their simplicity of design. Floor-to-ceiling windows flooded the room with the last vestiges of the day’s sunshine, bathing it in a soft light. A screen, decorated with a Native American Indian motif, partially concealed a workstation against one wall - complete with computer, telephone and fax. The opposite wall featured an entertainment center with CD player and wide screen television. A large ficus tree gave the room a warm feeling.
“Of course there’s fresh flowers when someone’s here. I also bring in other live plants but it’s a waste of money when we’re not entertaining,” Kit explained.
“Are all the rooms like this one? Or have you created a different theme in the other rooms?” Connor inquired.
“They’re all basically the same as far as the work stations are concerned. But, thanks to Adam’s nose for the unique, we’ve managed to create a different atmosphere for each room. I’ve tried, we’ve tried, to make each room different and special. Some of our repeaters ask for different rooms so they can see what we’ve done.”
“You keep referring to Riverhaven as ‘yours’ then correct yourself to say ‘ours’”, Connor observed as he watched Kit’s face closely.
“Yes, well, the ‘our’ part is taking some getting used to,” Kit said as a light blush stained her cheeks.
“So it’s an 'our’ proposition, is it?” Connor asked with a gleam in his eye.
“Aye, laddie, it is,” Kit laughed as she responded to Connor’s jesting mood.
“I’m glad. I was hoping,” Abruptly changing tone Connor stated, “He’s been alone for too long. You know about Alexa?”
“Yes,” Kit said quietly. “I know about Alexa.”
“I’m glad you’re together. I could see the difference in him when I walked in the door.”
“Thank you, Connor -you’ve given me two gifts and I don’t know how to repay you. You introduced me to Adam and you gave me Renee. What can I do for you? Tell me.” Kit demanded.
“You can tell your story tonight when I finally figure out how to tell Renee about us,” Connor said in a questioning tone of voice.
“Yes, Connor. I can do that - for you and for Renee. She has too many questions and we don’t have the answers she’s looking for. I’ll tell her mine if you’ll tell her yours?” Kit said in an attempt at levity.
“No...I’ll not tell mine. I don’t think it would be a good idea for Duncan to tell his story either. Adam, well, Renee would never be able to accept even the Reader’s Digest condensed version of his story. Do you think Amanda would be willing to tell her part? After all, your stories are very similar.”
“I agree. Shall we continue the tour,” Kit answered, anxious to end the conversation. I’m very uneasy about sharing my immortality, Kit realized, especially knowing it makes me vulnerable...Amanda, too. I wonder if sharing is such a good idea....
Connor and Kit chatted amiably as led him back down the guest-wing hallway and into the opposite wing. “You name the machine and we have it,” Kit said as she presented the fully equipped gym.
“I assume there’s a sauna and whirlpool?” Connor asked with a raised eyebrow.
“But of course! And, we also can arrange a massage if you’d like. Eric, a friend who owns a mineral bath and massage place over in Carson, will do the honors if we give him enough notice. He’s really the best, but we also use his students from time to time.”
Noticing a blinking green light over the doorway Kit turned to Connor and said, “That’s our cue that dinner’s on the table. Shall we?”
“How clever of you to do that, Kit,” Connor observed.
“We installed lights in the gym and the conference rooms for the convenience of our guests. Although we tell them, as well as give them written information, sometimes they get caught up in their business meetings or lose track of time when they’re working out. We flash amber light forty-five minutes before we serve our meals and a green light is a ten-minute warning. Part of Riverhaven’s appeal is Renee’s cooking and we wouldn’t want them to miss a meal - especially in the evening when she goes all out,” Kit explained.
“What’s in the menu for tonight?” he asked.
“Poached salmon - especially for you and Duncan. You’re being spoiled you know.”
“More like being buttered up. Renee’s used food more than once to soften me up when she wants something. And believe me, Kit, she wants answers,” Connor said seriously. “We should go now. I’d like to avoid the subject of our unique lifestyle during dinner. We should save it for later.”
“I agree but it may not be that easy to keep the conversation off that particular track,”
“Well, we’ll do our best, Kit, and hope for the best,” he responded as he offered his arm. “May I escort you to dinner?”
With a slightly mocking curtsey, Kit took his arm. They talked companionably as they made their way to the dining room.
Part 15 will be posted in two weeks! Join us then for
the final chapter in this part of this wonderful story!
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