Past Imperfect Written by Cait MacChat
Part Two
Chapter 16Good Question?
" I don't understand, Connor, " Renee replied, as her brow creased in confusion and question. "What do you mean 'would I want to live forever'? Who wouldn't? Do I believe in life after death? Being Catholic, it' not up for debate. What are you getting at?"
"Lass, you're not dim witted and it's a simple question," Connor said, his voice tinged with impatience and exasperation. "Yes or no, Renee…"
"It's a long story, Renee," Kit interrupted before Connor could continue. "Let me ask you another question. How old do you think I am? Since we've never talked about it, give me your best guess."
Renee looked around the room at the others, as if she could find the answers they sought by reading their expressions. Duncan slowly sank down next to Renee on the love seat, carefully placing himself so as not to touch her, not meeting her searching gaze. Amanda's expression was blank - except for a hint of amusement lurking in her eyes. Connor's face showed a blend of impassiveness and disapproval as if he resented Kit's interruption. Adam, as usual, revealed nothing of his thoughts.
"I don't know how old you are," Renee began, then paused to gather her thoughts. "In the three years we've been together, I don't remember ever celebrating your birthday. Why is that? Why haven't I noticed before now?"
"Perhaps it's because I don't know the date," Kit replied gently, knowing the next few minutes would be so very important. "I don't know when I was born. Back then, people weren't as particular about recording births as they are now - unless of course, the birth happened to coincide with a Saint's Day or other significant event."
"What do you mean 'Saint's Day or other event'? I'm truly confused now, Kit," Renee said, as her voice began to tremble with anxiety. "What are you trying to tell me?"
"Please give me your best guess - and be kind. Be gentle with my ego," Kit said with a hint of teasing in her voice and a reassuring smile.
"I don't know! I suppose, perhaps, you're possibly mid-30's?"
"Close, very close. At least you're close to what I've always thought I was when I died," Kit responded calmly.
"What do you mean when you died?" Renee responded, her voice rising an octave as she suddenly lunged forward, almost rising from the love seat, and spilling her brandy on the Oriental rug.
"Mon Dieu."
"Bloody hell!"
"It's alright, Renee, really."
"Let me take that."
"Don't worry, Renee, everything's all right," Duncan said soothingly as he reached for Renee, gently pulling her back down beside him. Wrapping an arm around her shoulders and holding her close he continued, "It's only brandy. The others will take care of that wee spill."
Clearing his throat to gain attention, Adam said, "May I suggest that now would be a good time to re-fill our glasses? May I also suggest we take care of a few small things before we truly begin to explain ourselves to Renee? Perhaps a visit to the, um, facilities might be in order?" Adam shot a pointed glance in Amanda's direction.
Amanda extended her hand to Renee, "Come with me and we'll find something to take care of that brandy. Do you have any club soda? It's works for red wine so it should take care of its cousin."
Duncan squeezed Renee's shoulder and, reluctantly, gave her a gentle push, "Aye, go with Amanda. We'll fix things here."
Giving him a warm look, Amanda led a very stunned Renee from the room.
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