Past Imperfect
Written by Cait MacChat
Part Two
Kit opened her eyes as she heard the sound of curtains being opened and she sniffed the air appreciatively, “Coffee. Lovely,” she murmured sleepily, “For me?”
“Yes, freshly brewed and just for you. I thought you might enjoy a little jolt before rolling your lazy self out of bed. Renee’s waiting to talk to you about the menu for the weekend. She knows better than to attempt conversation with you til you’ve had at least one cup.” Adam said with a bright morning smile. “I forgot my jacket and she handed the coffee to me on my way up.”
“You’re going out? What time is it?,” Kit asked.
“Time for me to meet with Holly and Roy in Vancouver. Roy’s going to Holland next week and he wants to go over the designs for the formal gardens, get a tally on the number of bulbs we’ll need. You signed off on the plans for the front beds didn’t you?” Adam queried.
“Yes I did - two weeks ago. Don’t forget to order another 500 giant daffodil bulbs - plain old yellow ones, nothing fancy. Roy told me it wouldn’t be a problem to force them so they’ll bloom in time for Easter. And I want another 200 Red Rocket daffodils. Renee loves them and I want to plant them on either side of the walkway at her place.”
Leaning over Kit’s prone body he kissed her lightly, “Rise and shine. Renee’s waiting. I’ll be back around lunch time,” Adam said by way of good-bye and closed the door behind him.
Kit stretched and sighed, “Oh Lord how I hate mornings!” With an effort, both mental and physical, she unfolded herself out of bed, slipped on her robe against the chill, grabbed her mug of coffee and walked to the window. Looking down she gazed at the half-mile length of yard that, come spring, would be a mass of color. She could picture it her mind and the thought made her smile. Shaking herself out of her floral reverie, Kit reluctantly went about getting herself ready to face the day.
Never one to spend an inordinate amount of time fussing with her appearance, Kit was dressed and ready in fifteen minutes flat: running a brush through her non-tamable red curls, a little mascara, and a touch lip gloss completed her make-up routine. She was blessed with the complexion of an English rose but her hair belied the Irish in her. After slipping a rust and green oversized sweater over her head, tugging on forest green leggings, she rummaged through her closet in search of her trusty Birkenstocks; grabbing a pair of wool socks out of an equally disorganized sock drawer Kit felt ready to face another day.
The scent of freshly baked cinnamon rolls and a cheerful, “Good morning, Kit! Sleep well?” greeted Kit as she entered the kitchen. Renee had been with Kit so long that she barely noticed the faint buzz emanating from her dear friend and chef .
“And a hearty top ‘o the mornin’ to you, too,” Kit responded gumpily.
“You and Adam make me crazy with your morning cheerfulness. It’s enough to drive a body right round the bend,” she continued with a smile to take the sting out of her greeting.
“Sit your grumpy butt down and I’ll re-fill your cup. How about a nice hot cinnamon roll - guaranteed to cheer you right up?” Renee responded.
“You know, some individuals shouldn’t be allowed out of their rooms until caffeine has been infused into their bloodstream – preferably through an IV. I won’t mention any names but her initials are Katherine Hawthorn!” Renee continued with a grin as she placed a roll at Kit’s place.
“So how was your evening, Renee? Adam said you went into Carson last night.”
“It was bliss, sheer bliss. I’m glad I went last night because Erik’s closing the place Sunday afternoon and not opening again until mid-May. He’s finally going to bite the bullet and do some renovations. About time, too. Rustic charm is one thing but the place reminds me of the “Bates Motel”. Evidently he had a successful season and can afford it. I took some soup by way of a bribe and he let me take a nice long nap after my massage. I hate to get that relaxed then have to drive home - even if it is only a few miles.”
“Speaking of bribes, what’s on the menu for Duncan this weekend?”
Kit asked playfully. “You never give up, do you?”
“Mon ami, there has not a man born that I can not ‘persuade’ to come around to my point of view. I simply haven’t hit on the correct combination of foods that will give me the results I’m looking for,” Renee said, returning Kit’s smile. “Duncan’s a very complex man, you know.” she continued with such seriousness that Kit almost choked on her coffee attempting to suppress her laughter.
“Complex? Duncan MacLeod?” Kit managed to gasp before laughing out loud.
“Oh, I’m just teasing you, Renee,” Kit continued as she saw Renee’s chin come up and fire begin to sparkle in her deep brown eyes. “You know I wish you the best of luck in your ongoing attempts to, um, how did you put it, ‘get the results you’re looking for’?” Kit said placating her friend.
Renee gave a very elegant, very “French”, shrug of her shoulders as if to say ‘no matter’ and sat down across the table from Kit. Although she was generally good-natured, it wasn’t wise to arouse her Gallic temper.
Despite her joking manner and careless shrugging off of Kit’s comment, Renee was seriously enamored with the handsome Scot and didn’t take kindly to being teased.
“I repeat, what’s on the menu for the weekend?” Kit asked again.
“Pica’s has fresh mushrooms and Lord’s has fresh crab. I thought stuffed mushrooms for appetizers? With the weather being so gray and chilly perhaps a chicken curry would be nice for tonight since it’ll just be the four of us. Instead of desert, what do you think of just having some fruit? I’ll serve it chilled to counter the curry,” Renee suggested.
“Sounds fine to me,” Kit began, only to be interrupted by the ringing of the phone. “Keep your seat, I’ll get it,” she continued as she reached for the wall phone.
“Riverhaven, Kathryn Hawthorne speaking,” Kit answered in her ‘professional voice’. “Oh, hi, Duncan” tossing wink and a smile in Renee’s direction. Kit listened for a moment then paused before replying, “Of course, Amanda’s always welcome here. No, it’s no bother. There’s always room for one more,” Kit said, noting Renee’s quick frown. “Two more? She wants to bring a friend? I see. But not for tonight, right? Oh really? That’s interesting. Fine, Duncan. Yes, absolutely. See you this afternoon.”
Kit hung up the phone and began to explain to a crestfallen Renee. “Don’t pout, Renee, Amanda’s only staying one night,” Kit said.
“I never pout,” Renee replied, her facial expression leaving no doubt about her displeasure over having Amanda’s presence disrupting her plans for Duncan.
Kit continued, “Her newest ‘friend’ will be joining her on Saturday. Duncan didn’t tell me his name. He’s here on business and wants to talk to us about how we went about getting Riverhaven up and running.”
“What? Why is she bringing him here?” Renee asked incredulously, “And you’re allowing it? That’s outrageous. That would be typically Amanda bringing someone here to look us over, steal your ideas, then he will try to build for himself and take all your clients!” Renee spat her mistrust of Amanda very apparent.
“Renee, calm yourself,” Kit ordered firmly, “Amanda’s friend wants to talk about what it’s like to manage a B&B, pro’s, con’s, that sort of thing. From what I understand, he’s more interested in something that would cater to the ski crowd. Duncan seems ok with it and you know he’d never do anything to jeopardize our business,” Kit said emphatically. “Will you please let me finish? Listen closely this time!”
“Oui, of course.” Renee replied in a not-quite-contrite tone of voice.
“Amanda will only be here for one night - that’s tonight. She and her friend will have lunch with us tomorrow. Adam, Duncan and I will meet with him. We’ll answer questions, give him the short tour, then they’ll be leaving before dinner. What’s your problem with Amanda anyway, Renee? You’ve never met her yet you seem to really dislike her! What gives?”
“It’s just, well, she and Duncan. You’ve told me about them being, well, together,” Renee stammered, an amazing blush staining her face.
“Oh please, Renee,” Kit laughed. “It’s not what you’re thinking,” she continued in a kinder tone, “they’re old friends and they have something of an understanding between them. To put it bluntly, they’ve been known to be lovers when neither is seriously involved with someone else. Remind you of anyone you know? Duncan implied that Amanda has more than a passing interest in her new friend.”
Kit was rewarded with a brilliant smile from her friend and a
distinct sparkle in her eyes.
“Give her a chance, Renee,” Kit said in a wheedling tone of voice, “she’s really quite nice and I think you two could become friends once you get to know her. She lives in Paris most of the year and has a home on Martinique as well. See, right there you have something in common - besides Duncan that is.”
Renee glanced at the wall clock and stood up abruptly, “Mon Dieu! Look at the time! I must hurry. There are fresh meats from the delicastessin in the refigerator for lunch. Please don’t eat the chicken since you and Adam did not eat it last night. As for the rest of the weekend, Mickey has a beautiful whole salmon on ice, just for me, and I’ll get enough Virginia ham to make a nice salad for tomorrow’s lunch. I’ve must go now if I’m to be back before Duncan arrives,” she said as she grabbed her canvass shopping bags and hurried out the side door, waving her free hand in Kit’s direction.
Kit took her plate to the sink, rinsed it and put it in the dishwasher reserved strictly for their china and glassware. She poured another mug of coffee and walked into the Common Room. Pausing for a moment in the doorway, her eyes took in the comfortable, yet luxurious furnishings. A light gray overstuffed leather sofa sat facing a fireplace constructed of native Washington fieldstone. To the right of the sofa was a matching love seat. To the left were two wingback recliners upholstered in a soft fern green - perfect for relaxing and reading the night away. An antique Persian rug covered the hardwood floor, it’s muted grays, greens and mauves complimenting the sofas and chairs. Kit noted that Adam had laid a fire in the fireplace and filled the wood box as well.
She made her way across the room, lightly running her fingers
various pieces of furniture as she walked, noting with satisfaction that there was not a speck of dust to be seen. Sinking down onto a softly padded window seat, she leaned against the wall and gazed outside. She could see the rooftop of Renee’s converted carriage house over the grove of Japanese maples, just out of sight of the main house.
“Oh, Connor, thank you again for Renee,” Kit whispered to herself, “How did you know we needed each other?” The cozy surroundings of the common room disappeared for Kit as she thought back to the day she met Renee, in the kitchen of course, of Connor’s villa on Terre-de-Haute.
“Connor? Connor, where are you?” Kit called out as she walked through the French doors leading off the verandah into the small living room. Wiping the sweat out of her eyes, she mentally cursed the heat, humidity, Connor, inter-island ferries and life in general.
Due to the fact that Terre-du-Haute is a mere spec of an island - three miles wide by two miles long - the only transportation is by foot or motor scooter. Located seven land miles from Guadeloupe, it’s part of the chain of islands known as the Iles des Saintes.
Kit was convinced her “driver” had a death wish the way he’d zoomed up the steep and winding road leading to Connor’s house. She’d had to hire a second scooter to transport her bags.
“Damn it! Connor!” she swore. Sensing a faint buzz, Kit’s hand automatically tightened on the walking stick which concealed her sword.
“Connor, is that you?” Kit asked again, this time in a louder voice.
“Bon jour! Connor is not here. Follow the hallway to the kitchen!” a feminine voice invited Kit further into the house. “Keep coming, I can hear your heels on the tiles, you’re getting closer,” the voice teased.
“Getting warmer? You just think warmer,” Kit mumbled. “Connor you’re a dead ...” The sight of the woman belonging to the voice stopped Kit in her tracks.
“You thought you could escape me? Into the pot you go! And your brother - he is next,” the voice said. Kit stood momentarily dumbfounded as she watched the woman scrambling around on the floor chasing live crabs. “You cannot escape me!” the voice said with more than a hint of satisfied malice in her voice. Standing up, the woman triumphantly thrust a woven bowl containing her prizes towards Kit.
“I’ll have Nico’s hide for being so careless! Instead of putting the crab sack in the sink, he simply dropped the sack by the table without tying it securely and they escaped,” the petite, dark haired woman said by way of explanation.
“Aren’t they lovely?” she asked, then suddenly turned and unceremoniously emptied the crabs into a huge pot of boiling water. “Allo, I am Renee, Connor’s chef and housekeeper. Allow me a moment to wash my hands then I’ll introduce myself properly. Sit, sit - you look tres miserable. Was your journey a long one? Have you visited our lovely island before ?”
“They’re lovely, I’m Kit, friend of Connor’s, please do, thank you, I feel miserable, yes long trip, no never,” Kit shot back as she all but collapsed into a chair at the table - and promptly burst out laughing!
Turning around and drying her hands, Renee’s eyes widened as she understood what Kit had just done and she joined Kit with a laugh in reply. In that moment they made an instant connection, both realizing a great friendship had just been born. A feeling of instantaneous simpatico flowed between the two women that would last a lifetime.
“May I get you something to drink? Iced water, tea, something
stronger?” Renee asked with a smile. “Or, would you like me to show you to your room?”
“I’d love to get out of these clothes and into something cooler.
If you’ll point the way, I’ll go change. I’d kill for a long, tall glass
of ice water with a twist of lime,” Kit replied.
“Go back the way you came in except turn left at the second
doorway. I’ll fix your drink while you change, nes pa?”
“Wonderful,” Kit agreed as she headed out of the kitchen in search of her room.
A short time later Kit rejoined Renee in the kitchen. As Kit sat and sipped her water, she watched Renee expertly dismantle the perfectly cooked crab and put the meat in a bowl to cool.
“Crab salad for our evening meal; it is too hot to do serious
cooking,” Renee explained. “And Connor prefers salads and fruit during this season.”
“Sounds delicious! I never have much of an appetite when it’s hot anyway. I’m more of a mountain kind of girl myself. The tropics are too warm for my tastes. I’m still wondering what possessed me to take Connor up on his offer to come visit,” Kit replied.
“Oh, I’m sure Connor was very persuasive. Few women can resist his charm,” Renee stated flatly.
Kit tensed as she felt the immediate presence of another immortal.
“As well it should be! I’d hate to think I was loosing my touch!,” Connor’s voice exclaimed as he grabbed Kit from behind in a bear hug. “I’m sorry I wasn’t at the dock to pick you up, Kit. Can you find it your heart to forgive me?” Connor asked as if he knew there was nothing to forgive.
Kit stood up, threw her arms around him, kissed him soundly and growled, “You beast! I should whack you for making me find my own way to your jungle hideaway - but I won’t. You can thank Renee for saving your Scottish hide.”
“In that case, I’m at your service Renee - again,” Connor said
disengaging himself from Kit’s arms. He crossed the length of the kitchen in three strides and took Renee in his arms. Drawing her close, he kissed her with a tenderness, that left no doubt in Kit’s mind that Renee was much more to Connor than simply his ‘cook.’.
“I am glad you have returned, mon ami. I was beginning to worry. Everything is all right, yes?” Renee asked, raising her eyebrows in question.
“Aye, lass, all is well.”
“Why don’t you take a fresh pitcher, and Kit, out to the verandah
while I complete the salad. I know you must have much to talk about. I will join you in a few minutes.
“Shall we, Kit?” Conner asked.
“Lead on MacLeod.” Kit laughingly replied.
Connor and Kit sat side by side watching the sun as it sank into the horizon. A cooling breeze rustled though the bougainvillea bushes surrounding the house. The air was full of the scent of frangipani. A pitcher of margaritas had replaced the ice water and Kit was well on her way to feeling no pain. Feeling a very faint, barely discernable buzz, Kit sat up straight, her senses on alert. Placing his hand on her arm, Connor said, “Relax, Kit. It’s only Renee.”
“Renee?” Kit began when she saw Connor put a finger to his lips in a gesture of silence.
“Oui, it is only me. Dinner is ready. I thought you might be ready for something a little more solid than frozen margarita’s,” Renee responded as she placed their plates in front of them. “I hope you enjoy it, Kit.”
Turning to Connor, she kissed him lightly on his cheek and said, “I may be a little late. Don’t wait up.”
“I thought you were joining us, Renee, ”Kit interjected, “I was
looking forward to talking with you.”
“My apologies but tonight’s my night to take money from my friends. We meet each month for Mah Jong and I am the best player on the island,” Renee said with a smile. “I’m an early riser though, no matter how late I am out. Would you care to join me for a swim first thing in the morning?”
“Sure, sounds good if your idea of first thing in the morning is
around 10:00 a.m.”, Kit replied.
Laughing gaily, Renee walked down the steps of the verandah, turned and waved before disappearing down a path leading into the foliage.
As soon as he was sure Renee was out of earshot, Connor turned to Kit and began to explain, “Aye, Kit, Renee’s one of us, or will be.”
“I wonder why I didn’t notice it when I first met her? Does
she know? ” Kit asked, her face reflecting her concern for her new friend.
“No, she doesn’t, though I’ve been tempted to tell her. And, no,
she doesn’t know about me, or you, or us. And, to answer the question I see in your eyes, aye, we were lovers of a sort.” Connor confessed.
“Connor me darlin’, it’s like being pregnant. Either you were or you weren’t. Which is it?” Kit teased.
“Oh, I love her well enough, Kit, but we ‘re more like friends who once shared a bed,” Connor began, “I’ve known her since she was 25 - her parents were my friends. When we first heard they’d died we were both grieving. We took a wee bit o’solace in one another but that part was over long ago. Now it’d be like sleeping with my sister, ya ken?”
“But that kiss, in the kitchen, seemed more than a brotherly peck. Tell me, Connor.” Kit demanded.
Connor leaned back in his chair with a sigh. “Aye, I feel great
tenderness for her, Kit, but that part is over. As I said, I was great
friends with her parents. This house belonged to them as a matter of fact. Renee’s father, Raoul de Santos, was a member the Spanish diplomatic corps. Michelle, her mother, was the society editor for Paris Match and they met at some embassy party. Renee was their only child. They were very much in love - it was a joy to be in their company.”
“One evening Raoul invited me to the embassy for a private chat. Michelle had gone to the airport to pick up Renee who was arriving that evening from New York - she’d just finished up at the Cordon Blu Academy. He was upset, very worried. It seems he’d been receiving threatening letters - threats against him, against Michelle and Renee - from the Libertie de Basque. Although he’d taken the usual precautions for their safety, he wanted me to bring Renee here, be a bodyguard of sorts, until he and Michelle could join her. Raoul was planning to retire from the corps and had some loose ends to tie up with his successor.”
“He’d bought this place years before - he and Michelle spent their honeymoon here. Since it’s location wasn’t common knowledge, he felt his family would be safe here should the need arise. I’d had enough of Paris - I hate winter there - and the prospect of a few weeks in the tropics was appealing.”
“And the fact that Renee is a beautiful woman had nothing to do with your decision, right?” Kit responded with a wry grin.
“Raoul was right to be afraid. We’d only been here a few days when we got word he and Michelle had been killed. A car bomb outside the embassy courtesy of the Libertie de Basque. I find it very ironic since they adopted Renee from an orphanage which cared for Basque children who’d lost their parents in the undeclared civil war - which brings me to the reason I asked you to come.”
“Oh, Connor, I’m so very sorry,” Kit whispered, placing her hand on his. “What can I do?”
“I’ve finally found the men responsible for their deaths. Unfortunately, I think they’re close to finding Renee. I want you to take Renee back to the States. She’ll be safe with you until I can take care of business. Those bastards want to make an example out of the entire family and won’t stop until Renee is dead too. Since we know differently, it wouldn’t do to have her taken and killed only to ‘wake up’ in their hands. Will you do this for me, Kit?”
“Of course, Connor. But will she go with me? Have you spoken with her?”
“Oh, she’ll go all right, I’ll take care of it Kit. Don’t worry. No, I haven’t spoken with her but she’ll do as I say,” Connor stated flatly. “I’ll need a day or two to set things up on my end - that’s plenty of time.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure,Connor. For some reason she doesn’t
strike me as the type to be ordred around by you or anyone else,” Kit replied. “I like her, Connor and I want to help. Just let me know what you want me to do.”
“Thank you, Kit. Now that that’s settled, how are your plans for the B & coming along?” Connor asked and they began to talk of other things.Kit woke to the sound of voices arguing. Momentarily disoriented by the strange room and unfamiliar night sounds, Kit lay perfectly still and listened. Moonlight filtered through the netting that surrounded her bed and she glimpsed a small lizard scurrying along the bedpost in search of a midnight snack.
“Connor, you’re not going after them without me. I won’t be dismissed so easily. I’m a grown woman and I can take care of myself,” Renee said defiantly.
“Cherie, you’ve known from the beginning, since your parents were murdered, that this day would come. I can’t protect you here - and you know they’ll be coming for you. While I was in the village today Marcello told me there’d been strangers asking about you. Renee, you’re well loved here, this island is your home but someone’s bound to make a mistake sooner or later. I’m leaving day after tomorrow - and so are you.” Connor said reasonably.
Kit reached for her robe and cracked her door. She could see Connor sitting comfortably on a rattan sofa watching Renee as she paced back and forth in front of him. Her long, black hair was in disarray and her color was high. Renee’s arms were gesturing in typical Gallic fashion as she spoke.
“I’m not a child, you can’t make me,” Renee continued. “Dammit, Connor. I hate this!”
“You’re right, Cherie, I can’t make you. I didn’t realize you were in such a hurry to die,” he continued.
Renee stopped her pacing and turned to face him. Her eyes were
brilliant but Kit couldn’t tell if it was from anger or tears. “I’m not
in any great hurry to die, Connor. And I don’t want you to die either. I know you loved them but you can’t bring them back to us. They killed my parents and they’ll kill you, too,” she said with conviction.
Connor rose from the sofa and took Renee in his arms. “I’m a very hard man to kill,” Connor replied, “It’s a matter of honor for me, Renee.”
“Screw your precious honor,” Renee said as she pushed herself away from him. “Honor doesn’t mean a damn thing when you’re six feet under.”
Seeing Connor’s posture go stiff, Kit decided it was the perfect
time to intervene before he said something he’d regret. “Who’s six feet under?” Kit said a trifle more loudly than necessary as she shrugged on her robe and joined them.
Renee glared at Kit for a brief moment then her face became a mask of neutrality. “I’m sorry, Kit, did we disturb you?” Renee asked coolly. Amazing transformation, Kit thought, she’s good, very good.
“No, the critters in my bedroom woke me. I’m not used to creepy-crawly’s drag racing around my bed,” Kit replied with a smile. “Did I interrupt anything?” she continued innocently.
Connor held out his hand to Kit and led her to a chair. With his
back to Renee he said, “We were discussing my plans to go to Spain day after tomorrow. She either wants to go with me or stay here. She can’t go with me and it’s not a good idea for her to stay here alone. We’re getting into hurricane season and past experience has proven she’s the last to leave.”
Instantly understanding where Connor was leading her, Kit said,
“Well, why don’t you come back to the States with me while Connor’s gone? I’m planning to open a Bed and Breakfast - perhaps you can help me.”
“Help you how?” Renee responded with a hint of suspicion in her voice. “I know absolutely nothing about management.”
“I’m in charge of the management part though I do have a partner. Right now we’re in the planning stages. I’m pretty worthless when it comes to food though. Connor’s told me about your credentials as a chef. I know you must have some experience in entertaining and planning with your background as an ‘embassy brat’. I’d love to pick your brain if you’d be willing. I can put you on a retainer if it’s a question of money.”
Looking at Connor, seeing the look in his eyes, Renee knew it was a done deal. Unwilling to acknowledge how she’d been manipulated Renee suggested, “Why don’t I sleep on it? We’ll talk more in the morning. I must admit it sounds interesting.”
Standing up, stretching and exaggerating a yawn Kit replied, “We can talk when we go for our swim. Again, sorry if I interrupted. Good night and I’ll see you in the morning.”
Kissing Connor lightly and touching Renee’s shoulder, she left
them alone.
Part 3 will be posted in two weeks! Join us then to read
more of this wonderful story!
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