Past Imperfect
Written by Cait MacChat
Part Four
Chapter Four
As Adam went about the task of transferring the results of Renee’s
shopping trip from her car into the kitchen, Kit joined Renee at the sink
and began helping her clean and prepare the mushrooms for the hors d’oeuvres.
“Did you have a good trip, Renee? I was beginning to worry because of
the weather.” Kit said.
“I’m sure you were worried,” Renee responded,
“From what I think I interrupted, I’m relatively certain I was the last
person on your mind.”
Kit laughed and began to dry her hands just as the phone rang. “Perhaps
that’s Duncan telling us he’s on his way?” she said as she reached for the
“River...well speak of the devil,” she said into the handset. “Really?
Sure. We’ll just add another plate to the table. In about an hour and a half?
Fine. Drive carefully, it’s getting nasty out there.”
“Who was that?” Adam asked as he placed the last of the bags on the
“That was Duncan asking if it would be ok if Amanda’s friend joined us
this evening. He was able to catch an earlier flight and they were just
leaving to pick him up at the airport,” Kit replied as she noticed a big
smile on Renee’s face. “Evidently someone’s been living right,” she
observed. “Six for dinner then Renee - not a problem, right?”
“It is never a problem to add one addition place,” Renee answered.
Kit could swear she could see the wheels turning inside Renee’s head.
She shot a quick look at Adam and found him valiantly trying to suppress a
“I can prepare the hors d’ oeuvre’s now and it will take but a moment
to prepare the curry. Then, if you do not mind putting everything else away,
I will leave for a while to make myself presentable. I would not want Amanda
to think I am a drudge. I do so want to make a good impression on your
friend, ” Renee said, making no effort to hide her sarcasm.
Kit laughed out loud, Adam sputtered and Renee favored them with a
look that could only be described as an ‘evil grin’. Turning to their
various tasks, they worked in companionable silence for the next half-hour
then Renee took herself off to change for the evening.
“Why don’t we adjourn to the common room? I noticed you laid in some
wood for the evening - which was thoughtful of you. If we light it now,
it’ll be going nicely by the time they arrive,” Kit suggested. “I’ll grab a
couple of beers and we can talk together until they arrive. I’d like to
know how things went with Holly and Roy.”
Before they realized how much time had passed, they heard the sounds
of Renee moving around the kitchen, tending to last minute details. “We’re
in here, Renee. Come join us!” Kit called to her friend.
“In a moment, s’vous plait? Do you need anything?” Renee responded.
“Two more brews would be nice,” Adam called back.
As Renee entered the room, Adam let out a low whistle. “My, don’t you
look lovely?” he asked rhetorically. “Very becoming. No one in their right
mind would ever confuse you with a drudge.”
Renee inclined her head graciously as she placed a tray on the low
table in front of the sofa. Dressed in her signature jewel tones, Renee was
the picture of relaxed elegance. Diamond studs sparkled at her ears. The
v-neck of her amethyst colored blouse showed her finely made neck to its
best advantage, and it was just deep enough to reveal a hint of cleavage.
A suede belt in sapphire blue was cinched around her waist, emphasizing its
small circumference. The edge of her black skirt was bordered in an
intricately embroidered Celtic pattern in the same amethyst and sapphire.
Soft black suede boots completed the picture.
“Compared to you two, I’m feeling slightly under dressed,” Adam
observed as he included Kit in his admiring gaze. “Since I’m to be in the
company of such lovely ladies, I think I’ll go change as well - perhaps the
new sweater you gave me, Kit, in honor of the occasion” he continued.
“Well, hurry up! They should be here shortly,” Kit smiled as she
playfully pushed him up and off the sofa.
“Men,” Renee stated flatly, as she poured herself a glass of white
“I do like what you’re wearing, Kit,” she continued. “Adam brought it
back to you when he was last in Paris if I recall correctly.”
“Yes, he did,” Kit replied as she flicked an imaginary speck of lint
from her wool sweater. “It’s one of my favorites - comfortable and I love
the colors.” Kit smiled as she thought of Adam’s exquisite taste in women’s
clothing. He seldom returned from a trip without something new to add to
her wardrobe. The pants were of the deepest rose. The bottom of the long
sweater picked up the same tone but gradually lightened in shade until
fading to a soft pink at the neck. Antique porcelain earrings in the shape
of an open rosebud and tinted the same deep pink of her pants graced Kit’s
The two women smiled at one another and raised their respective
glasses in a silent toast. While not making an issue of the others finer
physical points, they did enjoy the picture they made together. They looked
good and they knew it.
“I don’t want to put a damper on the evening, Renee, but what do you
hear from Connor?” Kit asked, her face turning as serious as her voice.
“You haven’t mentioned him in a while and I’ve been a little concerned.
It’s not like him to not check in.”
“He called but couldn’t talk long. He was in Barcelona tracking down
a lead. He said he was getting closer to the main man who ordered my parents
deaths. He was planning to travel into the Pyrenees if his contact in
Barcelona proved to be genuine. You know I’d never intentionally keep any
news from you, Kit - it’s just, well, I’ve had a bad feeling these past
couple of weeks and I didn’t want to worry you. You and Adam have been so
happy lately - everything seems so good between you two.”
“Yes, things are good,” Kit agreed. “I think we’ve passed some kind
of test, some line he’d drawn in his mind. You know how I’ve felt about him
from the beginning - it just took him a while to get to the same place.
Enough about us- tell me about this bad feeling, Renee. Is it Connor or
something else.”
“No, not Connor. I feel sure I’d know if something had happened to
him. I do not know how to explain but I feel we have another connection.
Something psychic,” Renee laughed nervously, “and don’t you dare laugh at
“No, I’d never laugh at you, Renee. I’m a firm believer in
‘connections’. I’m also a firm believer in premonitions. Is there anything
specific to your feelings or just bad vibes in general?” Kit asked just as
the doorbell rang. “That must be them. Listen, Renee, I want to talk more
about this. Maybe we’ll have some time tomorrow ok?”
“Yes, let’s try to talk tomorrow. I would like to tell you. I’ve had
a very bad feeling -I feel very unsettled. Oui, I would like to talk.
However, now I will answer the door.” Renee replied as she put her drink
down and began walking towards the hallway.
Adam trotted down the staircase in response to the bell and was right
behind Renee as she opened the door. “Welcome, Duncan! And you must be
Amanda,” Renee said in greeting.
In her pleasure at seeing Duncan again, Renee missed the slight rising
of Amanda’s eyebrows and Duncan’s swift squeeze of Amanda’s arm as he
ushered them inside. “Come in and let me take your coats. I’m Renee,” she
said as she thrust out a hand to Amanda, “Kit has mentioned you many times.”
“Hello, Renee - you look wonderful,” Duncan said and was rewarded with
a brilliant smile.
“Yes, hello, Renee,” Amanda said coolly but cordially. She hadn’t
missed that certain gleam in Renee’s eyes as she welcomed Duncan. “Nice to
meet you. Hi, Kit! You’re looking terrific as always! This weather agrees
with you - your skin is positively glowing,” Amanda continued as she kissed
Kit on both cheeks. “Allow me to introduce my friend, Miguel de la Garza.”
The tall, dark haired man had been waiting patiently just inside the
door. As he stepped forward, Kit felt the hair on the back of her neck stand
up and alarm bells began to ring in her head. “Charmed, Mademoiselle. Thank
you for including me at such short notice. I trust I’ve not caused you any
trouble?” he continued smoothly.
“None at all,” Kit replied courteously. “Welcome to Riverhaven. Let
me introduce you to my partner, Adam Pierson and my friend, Renee de Santos.”
Greetings and introductions complete, Kit led everyone into the common room.
“What may I get everyone?” Kit asked. “We have everything so name your
“Wine would be nice, Kit. Miguel is that all right with you as well?
Duncan, how about you?” Amanda responded.
Both men nodded their agreement as Adam held up his beer stein. “I’m
good for now, Kit, thanks.”
“Then if you’ll excuse me, I’ll go get our drinks,” Kit said.
“I will help you, Kit,” Renee said, “Now that everyone in here it is time to
put the hors d’oeuvres in the oven.”
“Renee, I’m sure I can do that while Kit gets our drinks,” Amanda
interrupted. “Kit, I have to tell you what happened on the way up here,”
she continued as she hooked her arm through Kit’s and led her out of the
“I’m glad you could join us early, Mr. de la Garza,” Adam said. “I’m
looking forward to discussing Riverhaven and answering any questions you may
“Thank you, Mr. Pierson. I am honored that you and Ms. Hawthorne have
agreed to speak with me. I am interested in perhaps investing in a similar
business in Oregon. I assure you I am not thinking of threatening your
business here at Riverhaven.”
At the word ‘threatening’, Adam sent a quick, curious glance towards
Duncan. To Adam it seemed an unusual choice of words but Duncan’s expression
remained passive.
“What do you think our countryside?” Adam asked. As the three men
began to make small talk no one seemed to notice that the normally talkative
Renee had gone silent.“Who is she, Kit? Tell me quickly,” Amanda demanded as soon as they
reached the kitchen. “Does she know? Does Duncan know?”
“Of course Duncan knows! So does Adam. I’m surprised Duncan didn’t
tell you himself,” Kit answered.
“You know how he can be - I think he wanted to jerk me around a little
bit. It’s been a while since he’s had the opportunity,” Amanda replied
drolly. “And, to make this a little more interesting, I don’t think he
likes Miguel very much. Of course it could be he’s just a tad jealous.”
“That’s a possibility although highly unlikely unless your
relationship has changed in the last hundred years or so,” Kit shot back.
“Amanda, I have to tell you I had a very unsettling feeling when I met
Miguel. I’m probably way off base but he gave me the willies.”
“He has that effect on women but he’s harmless. I think it’s his eyes,
Kit. They’re penetrating and may seem cold at first. He’s really quite
delicious in a Latin kind of way.”
“Latin kind of way? Where’s he from anyway? I can’t place the accent,”
Kit replied.
“He’s originally from the Pyrenees but his business takes him all over
the world,” Amanda replied only to be interrupted by the sound of a glass
shattering on the kitchen tiles.
Both Kit and Amanda spun around to see Renee, pale and shaking, sink
into a chair. “Renee, what is it?” Kit demanded, her voice full of concern.
“I’m, um, sorry, Kit. I came in just in time to hear you say Mr. de la
Garza is from the Pyrenees. The people who killed my parents are from that
region of Spain. It was a little shocking to hear he’s from there. I knew
there was something very familiar about his accent, his manner of speaking.
I’m sorry,” Renee stammered as she bent to begin picking up pieces of the
broken glass.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Renee. I didn’t know,” Amanda said. “Here, leave that
glass alone, I’ll get it. Kit, why don’t you pour another for Renee - she
looks like she could use it.”
Seeing sincere sympathy and real concern in Amanda’s eyes, Renee felt
herself warming to the other woman. “Please forgive me, Amanda. You must
think I’m a fool.”
“Don’t be silly, Renee,” Amanda replied as she lightly placed a hand
on Renee’s arm. “Losing those you love most is a hard, hard thing. No matter
how much time has passed, it still leaves a hole in your heart,” she
continued as she and Kit shared a look of remembered pain. “Now then, Renee,
I think I can smell those mushrooms! I put them in about ten minutes ago -
you think they’re about ready?”
At the mention of her food, Renee recovered rapidly. “Yes!” Renee
exclaimed as she popped up off the chair and made a beeline for the oven.
Pulling the oven door open with a jerk, she peered inside, and with an
audible sigh of relief said, “Perfect. Just in time. Thank you, Amanda.
A few more moments and we’d have been munching on cheese and crackers.”
Removing the hors d’oeuvres from the oven and transferring them to a
serving dish, Renee looked at Kit and asked, “Well, these are ready if you
are. Shall we rejoin the gentlemen? You might want to bring along a beer for
Adam - he was getting low when I left.”
Amanda finished cleaning up the broken glass as Kit placed an extra
bottle of wine on the tray. Renee finished transferring the stuffed
mushrooms on to a serving platter and the three women left the kitchen,
chatting like old friends.![]()
Part 5 will be posted in two weeks! Join us then for
more of this wonderful story!
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