Past Imperfect
Written by Cait MacChat
Part Five
The conversation over dinner was congenial and touched on everything from antiques to the sorry state of the U.S. Dollar compared to the German Deutschmark. Duncan regaled them with stories of his recent travels to New York, which in turn, caused Renee to wax nostalgic about her stint at the Culinary Institute of America. Adam and Kit talked enthusiastically about their plans for the grounds. They all swapped stories of their various adventures in Paris. De la Garza had shed his initial reserve during dinner, asking them to please call him “Miguel’.
Kit was relieved to see that Renee had, apparently, recovered from her initial shock at sharing a table with a man who hailed from the same region as the terrorists who’d killed her parents. Still, she couldn’t shake the feeling that something wasn’t quite kosher with Senore de la Garza. Chalking it up unqualified paranoia, Kit allowed herself to relax and enjoy being in the company of her favorite friends.
Pleading fatigue from his long flight, de la Garza asked to be excused after they’d enjoyed their dessert and coffee. “I am intruding on a reunion of old friends,” he began. “If it would not be an inconvenience, will someone show me to my room?”
“Yes, of course, Miguel. I’ll show you. What about your bags?” Kit asked.
“We only have overnighter’s. Duncan and Adam brought them in while we were putting dinner on the table,” Amanda answered. “Do you mind if I follow you? I’d like to get out of these clothes and into something more comfortable?”
“I’ll do fireplace duty,” Adam offered,
“And I’ll help you clear the table, Renee,” Duncan volunteered.
“You’ve done wonders with Riverhaven,” Amanda observed as she took in the beauty of their suite. “I remember seeing the ‘before’ pictures and thinking you may have made a huge mistake trying to rennovate this place. I should have known better.”
“I’m glad you like it!” Kit replied beaming. “It’s been a real labor of love. Once I overcame Adam’s initial reluctance, everything fell into place. I’m not saying we didn’t have our share of glitches with a few of the contractors, but all in all, it was a piece of cake. We learned a lot from Duncan’s experience with the house he gave to Anne. I’ll leave your sleeping arrangements up to you - there are two bedrooms in this suite, both with king sized beds - take your pick,” Kit explained.
“If you’ll excuse me, I’d like to take a shower. Travelling makes one feel so unclean,” Miguel said with distaste. He picked up his overnight case and headed towards a bedroom. Turning in the doorway, he paused and faced Kit, “Thank you again for your hospitality. Riverhaven is magnificent. Please convey my compliments to,” he paused, “Renee. She is an excellent cook.” And with a slight inclination of his head, he turned and shut the door firmly behind him.With her eyebrows raised in question, Kit asked, “Where in the world did you find him?”
Amanda laughed at her friend as she, too, picked up her bag and headed towards the other bedroom. “Join me and we’ll dish a little while I change.” She began to shed her clothes, carelessly tossing a camel colored wool jacket into a nearby chair. “I met him at a gallery opening last summer. They did a retrospective of Paul Machat’s photography with emphasis on his works from the Spanish Civil War through the emergence of the Libertie de Basque,” Amanda explained, then stopped when she noticed the odd look on Kit’s face.
“Libertie de Basque? Did you know they were responsible for killing Renee’s parents?” Kit asked. “A car bomb in Paris. Perhaps you remember hearing about them - Michelle and Raoul de Santos. He was a Spanish attaché and she wrote for Paris Match?”
“Yes, I remember that. When you introduced me to Renee I thought her name rang a bell. I remember there was some mystery about the daughter. She disappeared shortly before they died. It was rumored she’d gone underground because of some threats or something,” Amanda continued. “How did she end up here with you?”
Kit recounted the story to Amanda as she listened attentively. “So where’s Connor now?” Amanda asked.
“Renee heard from him recently. He’s in Spain. He thinks he may have a lead on the men, or man, who gave the order to kill Renee and her family. He was heading to the Pyrenees Mountains if the lead panned out. Just how well do you do you know Miguel?” Kit asked as the feeling of uneasiness began to return.
“Now just a minute, Kit. I can see what you’re thinking and it’s merely a coincidence. Cyril, the gallery owner, introduced us. Duncan was with me by the way. Cyril invited us for drinks after the gallery closed; we did, had a lovely evening and we’ve - Miguel and I - have been together since. He’s charming, funny and excellent in bed,” Amanda added with a grin. Having shed the last of her clothes, Amanda unzipped her bag and pulled out a long, deep blue Oriental style robe and, incongruously, a pair of bight red socks. “My feet get cold,” she explained with a giggle. “Shall we?” Amanda asked. “Ready if you are.”As they were leaving the suite, Amanda stopped and knocked on Miguel’s door. “Going out now, Miguel. Sleep well,” she said to the closed door. “If he runs true to course, he’ll take a long hot shower, hit the bed and sleep like the dead. He doesn’t travel very well.”
“Where’d he fly in from?” Kit asked.
“He was in Majorca last week and before that in Barcelona. He’s been talking with developers all over the place. He mentioned he’d considered building a resort in the Caribbean but it didn’t pan out. ”
“When was that?” Kit asked, careful to keep both her voice and her face impassive while fighting down internal panic.
“About three years ago. Just before that awful hurricane hit. He spent several weeks scouting locations in the Grenadines and those tiny little Iles des Saintes.”
Kit went pale and stopped walking. “Kit, what it is?” Amanda asked, concerned at her friend’s parlor.
“Ah, it’s nothing. Just Renee’s curry coming back to bite me. I’m fine, really. A little bicarb will do the trick,” Kit improvised quickly. “Why don’t you go on and I’ll be right with you?” Kit asked as she turned towards the hallway leading to her private quarters. “I’ll change out of these clothes as well and join you in a few. Would you ask Adam to join me, please?”
Kit hurried to her bedroom. Closing it quietly, she leaned her back against the door. Taking several deep breaths she tried to calm herself.
Amanda’s right, it’s all a coincidence, she thought to herself, about as much coincidence as night following day. I’m jumping to conclusions. Like hell I am. And her thoughts continued to tumble this way and that until she felt Adam at her door.
“Kit, are you all right?” Adam asked as he took in her appearance. Kit’s eyes were clouded with anxiety; her fair skin had gone from pale to almost translucent. “Kit, tell me,” he demanded.
“Unless I’m totally off the wall, we have a problem,” Kit began to explain her conversation with Amanda. “Where’s Renee?”
“In the kitchen with Duncan and Amanda. When I left, Renee had Duncan up to his elbows in soapy water washing dishes. Why did you insist on two dishwashers if she’s going to do them by hand?”
Kit gave him a shaky smile and a small laugh, “Because washing dishes together is a very cozy thing to do, Adam.”
Adam made a noise that sounded suspiciously like a snort. “Yes, I suppose so. Where’s our Mr. de la Garza? Is he settled in?”
“Amanda told me he’d take a shower then sack out for the rest of the night. Evidently trans-Atlantic, and trans-continental, travel wears him out.”
“Then may I suggest we keep this between us til morning? There’s nothing we can do about it now,” Adam suggested reasonably.
Considering his point for a moment, Kit nodded her head in agreement. “Will you speak with Duncan? I don’t want to alarm Renee - although she was pretty shaken to learn where Miguel is from - but it would make me feel better if you’d mention this ‘development’ to Duncan.”
“Of course, Kit,” Adam said as he took her into his arms. “Don’t worry. I’m sure it’s a simply case of coincidence - lots of people come from Spain you know?” he said reassuringly as he gave her a gentle hug. “Let’s join the others - change out of those clothes double quick. I’ll wait and we’ll go down together.”
It only took a moment for Kit to change. With their arms around each other they walked downstairs to join their friends.
“Kit has a wonderful collection, doesn’t she?” Renee asked Amanda.
“Absolutely,” Amanda replied as she lovingly examined a first edition of Hugo’s Les Miserables. “We had a mutual friend - Rebecca - who loved books. I think that’s where Kit and I get our passion for reading.”
“From what I’ve heard, just bits and pieces of course, Rebecca was a remarkable woman,” Renee said. “I’m sorry I never met her. Kit always looked so sad whenever she mentioned her. I never had the heart to press her.”
“Yes,” Amanda continued as she settled herself into one of the wing-backed recliners, “when she died it hit all of us very hard.”
“She was one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever known,” Duncan continued. "She had class and style.” Sitting next to him on the love seat across from Amanda, Renee touched Duncan’s arm lightly in sympathy.
“I’ve noticed that Kit gets the ‘blues’ this time of year. I asked her about it once and she said it’s because it was the anniversary of Rebecca’s death. I feel badly for her. I know, for me anyway, women friends are hard to come by and it’s very painful to lose one - no matter what the circumstances. I know I’d be devastated if anything happened to Kit - she’s more like a sister than a friend.”
“Thanks Renee, the feeling’s mutual,” Kit said as she walked up behind Renee and placed her hands on Renee’s shoulders. After giving her shoulders a light squeeze Kit moved over to the fireplace, enjoying its warmth. “It’s been a while since we’ve all been together like this - I’m so glad you could come,” Kit said. “Anyone need anything before I sit?”
“Maybe a blanket, Kit. This chair is wonderful - I may just camp out here for the night! It’s been a long time since I curled up with a good book and read til I went to sleep. But then, if I did that, that great bed would go to waste. Decisions, decisions,” Amanda replied. “I would be interested in a nightcap though - but I’m too lazy to get up!”
Seeing the perfect opening Adam asked, “Duncan, why don’t you come with me? I recently purchased several new varieties of brandy. I’ll even let you pick the vintage. Ladies, if you’ll excuse us?”
Kit acknowledged Adam’s request with a slight nod of her head, knowing he was going to use the opportunity to speak with Duncan about Amanda's newest toy.
Duncan rose from his seat next to Renee with a sigh and a regretful look in her direction. “Don’t go anywhere, Renee, I’ll be right back. I want to hear more about your carriage house. Last time I was here you were just getting ready to have your things taken out of storage. I’d like to hear what you’ve done with it since then.”As soon as they left the room Amanda said, “Looks to me like Duncan’s interested in more than interior decorating, Renee. And, in case you’re wondering, if I were you I’d give him more than the ‘cooks tour’.”
Renee laughed as she replied with a slight blush, “Am I that obvious? Merci, Amanda, I must confess the thought has crossed my mind.”
Kit looked at her two friends and smiled. This is working out better than I expected. Perhaps Renee and Amanda will become friends now that Amanda's given Renee her tacit approval. Lord knows Duncan and Renee have danced around one another long enough, Kit found the thought very appealing. Frowning slightly, Kit's thoughts continued, After losing Tessa, then that debacle with Anne Lindsey and Mary, Duncan had shied away from any significant involvement. It’s time he got himself back in the saddle. Feeling eyes upon her, Kit looked at Amanda, whose eyebrows were raised and a smile tugged at the corner of her mouth. Amanda silently acknowledged that she was reading Kit’s mind and approved of what she was thinking.
“Here we go, brandy all around,” Adam announced. “I think this will just about top off the evening for me. It’s been a rather busy day for me and you know how I hate being busy,” he said with a smile aimed directly at Kit. The inflection in his voice and the look in his eyes effectively signaled to everyone that he meant just the opposite.
From her vantage point directly across from them, Amanda noticed that Duncan was sitting closer to Renee than he had been before getting their drinks. His thigh was resting against hers and his arm was draped across the back of the love seat. While not touching her shoulder, it was clear he very much wanted to.
Gently placing Les Mis on the table, and carefully balancing her brandy snifter, Amanda brought the recliner to its upright position and announced, “Well all, it’s been fun but I have to call it a night. Time for my beauty sleep. Kit, may I take the book with me? I’ll bring back down in the morning.”
“Of course, Amanda,” Kit replied as she stood up to give Amanda a goodnight hug. “Sleep well - but if you don’t, there’s lots of goodies in the fridge if you get the midnight munchies.”
Duncan and Renee also stood to make their goodnights. “It’s been lovely spending the evening with you, Amanda,” Renee said sincerely. “I’ve enjoyed meeting you at long last.”
“Same here, Renee. After that wonderful meal I understand why Kit’s always boasting she has the finest food to be had in this part of the country.” To prove her sincerity the usually undemonstrative Amanda leaned forward and gave Renee a quick hug. “Good night, Adam. Good night, Duncan. Sleep well, MacLeod,” she said with a naughty wink and left the room before he could respond.
“Let’s leave the glasses here til the morning, shall we?” Adam suggested.
“No, you and Kit go on. I’ll help Renee straighten up,” Duncan said, “Then I’ll walk you to your place, Renee, if that’s all right with you?”
“Thank you, that would be nice,” Renee replied. Kit shot Duncan a grateful glance, thanking him for seeing Renee home.
“That’s it then,” Adam said. “Renee, would you mind setting the coffee for the morning before you go? Also, would you set the alarm for us on your way out? Please show Duncan how to turn it on if he, I mean when he comes back.” Adam was rewarded with a scowl from Duncan and a light blush from Renee. “Come on, Kit. Miguel specifically asked that we try to get our meeting over with before eleven. He has an appointment in Portland to meet with some potential at one. Plus we all know how charming you can be if you don’t get your sleep,” he said as he began to propel Kit out of the room. “‘Night all.”
Part 6 will be posted in two weeks! Join us then for
more of this wonderful story!Our absolutely beautiful
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