Past Imperfect
Written by Cait MacChat
Part Nine
Renee was out of her chair in a second, rushing to survey the damage. “It’s really minor, Renee, don’t worry,” Amanda said as she protectively cradled her bleeding finger. “I’ll just run some cold water on it and I’ll be fine.”
“Let me take a look,” Renee demanded.
“NO!” Amanda said firmly. “It’s nothing. It’ll be fine,” she continued as she turned on the water at the sink. Renee dismissed Amanda’s order and continued to watch her as she ran water over the profusely bleeding wound.
Renee’s look of concern was transformed into one of incredulity. “Mon Dieu! You must have one hell of a clotting factor, Amanda! For someone who was, a minute ago, bleeding like a stuck pig, the water’s running clear.”
With her attention on Amanda, Renee didn’t see the reactions of the others. She missed Adam rolling his eyes heavenward, Duncan’s look of resignation, and Kit’s heavy sigh.
“Yeah, I’m blessed,” Amanda said under her breath.
“Let me see,” Renee demanded. “Kit, get the first kit. Amanda’s going to need some anti-biotic ointment and a Band-Aid.” She was surprised when Kit made no move towards getting the kit they always kept handy. “Well? Are you going to get it?”
“That won’t be necessary,” Amanda said slowly and distinctly. “I’m ok,” she said as she withdrew her hand from the running water. "See? All better now,” she continued as she exhibited her finger - which bore no sign of injury. The skin was as smooth and unmarked as it had been before being sliced.
“What is going on here? I do not understand this.” Renee moaned, confusion and fear marring her features.Once again conversation came to a standstill. Renee raised her eyes and scanned her friends, trying to get a reading on what they were thinking. Kit’s face looked pained, Duncan wouldn’t meet her eyes and Adam’s face remained impassive. Amanda opened her mouth as if she was about to speak, then shut it again and pursed her lips.
“Don’t everyone speak up at once!” Renee said impatiently. “Amanda, how did you do that?”
“Do what?”
“Heal so quickly. Don’t play games with me!” Renee demanded.
“Would you believe good genes?” Amanda asked, her eyebrows almost meeting her hairline and an innocent look on her face. “No? How ‘bout the fact I take lot’s of great vitamins? No? Well...”
“Stop it, Amanda!” Renee snapped. “Kit? Duncan? Adam? Somebody?”
Duncan met her eyes but didn’t reply. Again, Renee saw Kit and Adam exchange a long look. Amanda turned away and busied herself preparing the bagels which had been neglected after she’d cut herself.
The events of the previous night, coupled with the evasiveness of her friends caused Renee’s patience to evaporate entirely. “Ok, fine,” she said tiredly and with more than a hint of disgust in her voice. “You’re obviously not going to answer me - at least not honestly and not now. I’m going home.”
“Wait a second, Renee,” Kit began.
“No, I won’t wait, I'm leaving. I need a shower - I feel dirty. I want to change clothes. I want to think. I want to be in my own place. Call me when you are prepared to tell me the truth,” Renee spat as she walked to the door just as the phone began to ring.
“Renee,” Kit tried again, placing her hand on Renee’s arm as she passed.
“You should answer the telephone, Kit. It is surely more important than your answering my questions.” Renee said as she shrugged Kit’s hand away and walked out the door.
“Riverhaven, Pierson here,” Adam announced as he answered the phone. “Hello, Connor,” he continued as he saw the others focus on him. “Yes, she’s fine. Shaken and angry but fine. You will? Good. There’s been a development or two. De la Garza’s dead. Yes, thanks to your kinsman.” Adam paused to listen to Connor, nodding his head affirmatively as he made notes on a pad by the phone. “You should know Renee witnessed one of our ‘miraculous healings’. She’s confused and unhappy with us right now. No, we didn’t elaborate. See you, then, Connor,” Adam concluded and hung up.
“Connor will join us tonight,” he said answering their unspoken questions. “He was calling from London. He’s catching the Concord then has a non-stop from New York. The flight is scheduled to arrive in Portland at five o’clock.
“What are we going to do in the meantime?” Kit asked. “About Renee I mean. We can’t just let her to sit and brood for the rest of the day.”
“That’s exactly what we’re going to do, Kit,” Adam replied. “Give her some time. She needs to do everything she said she wanted to do. Thank God de la Garza had the good manners to break his neck - at least it was a bloodless exercise.”
The sound of the toaster giving up the goods momentarily distracted them. “Bagel anyone?” Amanda said a tad too brightly.
“No, thanks. I’ve lost my appetite,” Kit said morosely.
“I’m going to give her an hour or two then I’m going over,” Duncan said tiredly. “She doesn’t need to be alone all day. I’m thinking I could use a shower myself and some sleep sounds good to me, too. I have a feeling it’s going to be a long night once Connor gets here.”
“Kit, you up to hitting the Pendleton outlet?” Amanda asked only to receive a dirty look in return.
“Amanda, how can you even think of shopping?” Kit asked in disbelief.
“It beats hanging around here with all of you,” Amanda retorted. “You’re over-reacting. Renee’s going to be fine. Well, as fine as she’s going to be until we figure out a way to explain everything.”
“I vote that Connor does the explaining,” Adam interjected. “After all, she’s known him a long time. She trusts him.”
“It’s not going to be easy and you know it, Adam,” Duncan said, resignation in his voice. “She’s smart. She’s not going to accept anything less than the truth.”
“So, do you want to be the one to explain ‘us’ to her? Get a grip, MacLeod,” Amanda said, putting her two cents worth into the conversation. “And just how do you propose to explain ‘us’ away? Last time you tried you ended up losing Anne and Mary.”
Seeing Duncan’s stricken expression Amanda hastily added, “It wasn’t your fault. I’m sorry, Duncan. All I meant was how do you know Renee will be any different?”
“I don’t know that she’ll be any different. And, no, I’m not going to try to explain anything. I agree with Adam - we should wait until Connor gets here.”
“Kit, do you mind if I borrow your car? I’m a little paranoid about using ours,” Amanda asked. “Duncan, you’re good but I’m not crazy about taking our car. What if Miguel planted a back up? I hate to die unnecessarily.”
Adam reached into the pocket of his jeans and withdrew a key ring. “Here, take the Volvo,” he said as he tossed the keys to Amanda. “Go improve the local economy. Try to be back before five - we may need to talk again before Connor arrives.”
“I’m going to take a shower and get some sleep,” Duncan announced.
“I’m off and thanks, Adam,” Amanda chimed in.
“Kit, excuse me for saying so, but you look like hell,” Adam observed. “I think we should follow MacLeod’s example and get some rest. He’s right; tonight’s going to be interesting to say the least. I suggest, with one exception,” he said looking pointedly at Amanda, “we get some down time and consider potential scenarios.”
“Duncan, I can stay and help you,” Amanda said seductively. “Help you work through this little dilemma.”
“No thanks, Amanda. If you had been more selective in your choice of lovers we wouldn’t be having this conversation,” Duncan said sarcastically.
“Ok, then I’m off. A girl’s gotta do what comes naturally,” Amanda said lightly as she tossed the key ring in the air, caught it neatly, and strolled out of the room.
“I’m gone, too,” Duncan said as he pushed his chair away from the table. “I really don’t want to face Renee. It always awkward explaining us.”
Kit moved towards Duncan. “I don’t know how this whole thing got so out of control. I’m sorry,” she said as they moved together for a hug. “Knowing it was coming, her immortality, I’d hoped to gradually ease her into the whole thing. Thanks to Amanda the timetable’s been moved up.”
“You know Amanda - if something’s going to go wrong you can count on her being the catalyst,” Duncan said ruefully. “At least she’s not going to come into it cold - she has us to guide her.”
“Let’s hope we’re enough,” Adam said softly. “C’mon, Kit. You need some sleep and I need to think.”
Part 10 will be posted in two weeks! Join us then for
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