Written by Cait MacChat and Gypsy MacNut
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"This is beginning to be tiresome," Methos said.
"What now," echoed Duncan.
"Who else did you invite, Joe?" Amanda asked.
"I was going to tell you before I was interrupted..." Joe began just as the door to his bar was opened with a resounding crash. The three immortals at the back table turned towards the door, sensing the newcomers.
The faces of his friends were set and wary. The newcomer's faces bore looks of hostility and arrogance.Startled by the abrupt entrance, Joe's patrons turned towards the door. After a cursory once-over, seeing no one they knew the crowd lost interest and once again turned their attention to the band.
Joe stood up and cautiously walked towards the bar as the notes from the last song of the night slowly died away. He flipped the switch that turned on the bright overhead lights to signal closing time. The sounds of bodies moving, bits and pieces of conversation floated in the air as the patrons began to slowly filter out of the bar.
"Rhen, why don't you knock off early tonight? I'll close up." Joe said.
"Sure, Boss, but don't you want me to stick around? Those folks over there," Rhen replied as he tilted his head towards the three individuals standing by the door, "look like trouble."
"You don't know the half of it," Joe thought to himself then said, "I can handle it. Take off and I'll see you tomorrow night."
Rhen reluctantly untied the apron at his waist, nodded once to Joe, and left the bar.After making sure all the patrons were gone, Joe walked back towards the table where his friends sat facing the three immortals who remained standing just inside the door.
"This is not good", Methos said.
"I know her," Amanda added.
"They're not good news, Joe," Methos repeated as he studied the interlopers.
"As I was saying," Joe continued as if he'd never been interrupted, " I got a call just a bit ago, and you're right Methos, this is not good."
"Spill it, Joe," Duncan demanded, "I have a really bad feeling...."
"While you were getting to know one another again, I received a phone call. It wasn't good news. We have, the Watchers have, been getting reports of a roving band of immortals hunting other immortals- for the sport of it," Joe began to explain. " A triad. In case you're curious, their names are Ling Mao, Sandman and Meguet. Meguet, a.k.a.: the Mouse, was a spectacularly successful thief. We lost track of her after her partner, Kasumi, disappeared. Evidently, Meguet and Kasumi were twins. After Kasumi was lost, Meguet vanished." Joe continued. "Sandman began as Sahndramin. Our records show he was one of Alexander's lieutenants. Ling Mao first came to our attention when, as a young Buddhist nun in Tibet, she experienced a miraculous recovery after being buried in an avalanche." "Anyone you know?" Joe asked pointedly, his gaze alternating between Amanda, Methos and the three immortals at the door.
"All things considered," Methos said, "I'd rather be in Katmandu."
"'s been a long time since I've seen her," Amanda muttered.Meguet, Ling Mao and Sandman approached the table with care, on their guard, but with a palatable air of challenge in their posture.
"Well, well, well," Ling Mao said with a sneer and a mock bow, "You're a long way from our mountain home." Methos acknowledged the greeting with a slight nod.
"Amanda, long time, no see, " Meguet said. "You're as loose as ever, I see. Never could resist a brew or a handsome man, I mean, men, could you?" Meguet taunted.
"Run from any good battles lately, Methos?" Sandman asked Methos . "Alexander was counting on you but, well, you always knew when to disappear," Sandman continued.
"Where I have heard that before," Duncan asked under his breath.
Meguet made her way around the table to stand behind Duncan. She unclasped the silver Celtic-work hair tie and began to run her fingers through his dark hair. "Luscious man," she crooned as Amanda began to leave her chair.
"Stop now, Meguet. This man's not available", Amanda purred with an undertone of command," He has prior commitments" she continued in a deceptively calm voice.
"Really? With you?" Meguet responded not bothering to hide her sarcastic skepticism.
"It takes a thief to know a thief," Amanda relied. "Again, Meguet, this man's not available."
For once, Duncan sat still. He appeared oblivious to the conversation between the two female immortals. Duncan's concentration was focused on Methos, Sandman and Ling Mao.
"I see you've traded the bland, green uniform, with a Red Star collar point, for capitalistic street dress," Methos said to Ling Mao. "Obviously not a problem to trade robes for a uniform. Jeans suit you better I think. But then you always were adaptable."
Ling Mao bristled and made a move towards her hidden sword saying, "Traded incense for beer, Methos? What a surprise."
Sandman interjected, "What would you expect from someone who'd allow Alexander to die alone. You're responsible! Never could resist the fruit of the vine!'
"Had it been beer it wouldn't have been a problem. Everyone knows the best wine comes from Germany and, if you'll recall, we were drinking some cheap Italian vintage. It gave me a very cheap drunk and an outrageous headache the next day," Methos responded as he took the last sip of ale from his glass.
"I'm Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I don't remember making your acquaintance," Duncan said.
Ling Mao, Meguet and Sandman acknowledged the traditional greeting between immortals and replied in kind.
"To what do we owe this visit, Meguet? What do you want…this time?" Amanda asked while her eyes included the other two immortals.
"I want you to die," Meguet said flatly.
"I want the pleasure of separating your head from your body, Methos. You've outlived your time," Sandman sneered. "I should have killed you long ago."
"To have the quickening of the legendary Duncan MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod", Ling Mao said in a low soft voice that underscored a deadly seriousness."What can I get you?" Joe asked in his best bartender's voice.
"You can get," Sandman growled as Joe slowly backed away. "What do you say, Methos? Shall we get to it?"
"No time like the present," Methos replied as he started to rise from his chair.
"You, too, Amanda. I've been waiting for this since you took Kasumi from me." Meguet snarled at her nemesis.
"This shouldn't take long. You're as cocky and unskilled as your sister was. Not to mention a clumsy thief with no style or panache," Amanda taunted as she, too, began to rise.
"Let's make it a threesome, MacLeod. Finish your beer and join us. After all, who am I to deny a man a final drink," Ling Mao said to Duncan with an evil grin.
"I'm outta the game. Go find someone else to play with," Duncan replied.
"Not likely, MacLeod. Get up." Ling Mao demanded as she roughly grabbed Duncan by his hair to prod up out of his chair.
"Don't worry, Ling Mao, as soon as I dispatch Meguet, I'll be happy to take you on," Amanda broke in, "as he told you, he's out of the game."Suddenly, Sandman turned to Duncan and pulled him up out the chair, turned him around and pushed him towards the bar.
"This isn't holy ground and you're not out of the game - yet," Sandman said. "Get yourself together, MacLeod, and let's finish this. We have other 'business' to take care of this evening and I'm growing impatient."
Amanda and Methos shared a brief, but significant, look as they, too, began to draw closer to one another.
Duncan rose from his chair, very slowly and began to move towards the door with Methos and Amanda.As he passed the bar, Joe suddenly put his hand on Duncan's arm. "Aren't you forgetting something, MacLeod?"
Joe asked as his other hand produced Duncan's sword. "You might find this useful."
"You..." Duncan began.
"Tell you all about it later," Joe said as he squeezed Duncan's arm in a gesture of support, "I'll be waiting."
Duncan, Amanda and Methos drew together protectively and walked purposely, as a single unit, towards the open door. Sandman savagely kicked the door shut as they approached, blocking their exit.
"This is as good a place to end this as any," he snarled as he began shoving tables and chairs to clear an area for battle. Meguet and Ling Mao followed his lead. Quickly and efficiently they cleared a makeshift arena within the bar.
Uttering a mindless prayer, Joe eased himself from behind the bar and into the protective environment of the storeroom.As the intruders began to circle their prey, Amanda, Methos and Duncan put their backs together, forming a triangle. Instinctively, they raised their swords, the points making a chiming sound in the silence. The looks on their faces were concentrated, steady and unreadable as if they were channeling their combined energies into one another, using their individual strengths to enhance the whole.
Suddenly, the sounds of clashing swords, the grunts and panting breaths of immortal combat exploded in the bar which had only minutes ago been filled with soulful music. Throughout the moments that felt like year's three immortals - three friends - never broke their stance. Back to back they parried, thrusted, defended and attacked.
Their movements appeared choreographed, as if they could read one another's minds. Amanda, Methos and Duncan struck their enemies as one indefatigable force as the quickenings began simultaneously....The power of the quickenings forced them to bring their swords together, their bodies together and they formed pyramid forged of flesh and steel. Each shared the visions of their combined histories and those of their vanquished enemies. Glass from shattered bottles filled the air like shrapnel, overhead lighting exploded in a rain of splinters yet Amanda, Methos and Duncan remained oblivious to the destruction. They were united in a quickening unlike any they'd experienced before.
Back to back they sank to the floor, leaning on one another for support. As they slowly regained their composure, they simultaneously reached for one another's hands. Satisfied they were all in one piece they rose from the floor supporting one another in their recovery as they had in combat.
Joe cautiously peered around the doorway to the storeroom and breathed a huge sigh of relief...until his brain registered the destruction of his Bar!
"I told you I didn't have insurance for Quickenings!" he exclaimed. "Oh, man..." he muttered under his breath.
"Joe, if it wouldn't be too much trouble, do you think you could salvage one more round for us?" Methos asked as he began to upright a table and look for four undamaged chairs.
"I think I'll pass," Duncan said as he wrapped an arm around Amanda's waist and caressed the dragonhead on his katana. "I've had enough of this family reunion for one night."
"You're welcome, MacLeod," Joe responded as he noted Duncan's possessive posture and the look in Amanda's eyes.
"Thanks for the offer, Joe, but Mac and I have some unfinished business to attend to," Amanda purred. "You're an incorrigible man," Amanda continued, "but I love you anyway! Mac, let's blow this joint, we have a lot to catch up on!"
On that note, Duncan and Amanda turned and walked towards what used to be the door to the bar and disappeared into the darkness."Looks like it's you and me, Methos. Still want that drink?" Joe asked.
"When have you ever known me to pass up a free beer?" Methos responded as he settled himself into an only slightly damaged chair. "By the way, about your new waitress, the one who reminds me of a Gypsy...."
"Glad you mentioned a 'free' beer! Did I neglect to mention this evenings tab is in your name?" Joe asked as he began searching for an unbroken bottle behind the bar.
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