Someone Missing
by Kim
Little girl out playing,
Sand nice and warm.
The sun shining down
from the heavens.
Her Dad up above,
He is watching her play,
She's thinking,
"Why Father? Why can't
you be down here with me?"
Couple of years go by,
She is getting a new dad!
She does not like him,
Not because of who he is,
But because she doesn't
want anyone to replace her
She finally gets to
reality and realizes that
her mom is going to
marry this man anyway,
No matter what she thinks
or wants.
She's now getting used
to her new family.
It was hard, though,
because she still wants
her father back.
She knows she can't get
him back, but she doesn't
want to accept that as a fact.
She's now in middle school,
and she's getting all these
good grades and wonderful
However, her father has to
miss all that.
Instead, her stepfather gets
meet them and see the good
Off to high school stuff her
promised he wouldn't miss
out on.
There's the Homecoming
he didn't get to meet the
special guy.
He didn't get to see the wonderful
pictures of her friends at
the parties.
Prom night,
It was hard for her to go,
Her father didn't get to help
pick out the dress.
He never got to see her
graduate from school, either.
Her stepfather got to do all
that for him.
Then the worst of all,
She's finally found her husband.
She's going down the aisles
With her stepfather by her
Wishing her father was there
to see her grow up and help
the wedding, even be the third
to hold her first child.
Truth is, he is there to see
all that,
He may not be able to help,
but he's
Still watching and knows everything
you're doing!
Copyright © Kim 1999. All rights reserved.