This page is dedicated to Rhymester and Friendship

The Poet's Corner


     Welcome to our Rose Garden.  Take a stroll, relax in one of the chairs, in the gazebo, or on the swing.  Enjoy the beauty of the scenery and poetry--both created with love and care.
     You'll notice we have dedicated this page.  CC and I "met" Rhymester during our cyber-travels for graphics, in fact, the graphics on this page came from Rhymester's site.  It turns out that Rhymester is a poet and used to have a beautifully orchestrated poetry web site until tragic circumstances caused her to decide to remove it.  When she found out we would have poetry at the Castle, she generously offered us the use of anything from her current web site.  All she asked was that we "always treat poetry with tenderness and gentleness....never to hurt somebody."  In her honor, we ask that when you submit or read the poems here, keep her words in mind.**
     As for friendship, Rhymester is just one example of someone to whom we have developed a "connection" with through the Internet.  Some of us have met and been friends for years, some we may have spoken on the phone with, and some we have come to know only through our cyber "therapy."  Whatever the circumstances, our friendships and loyalty run deep.  So this page is also dedicated to friendships, old and new.
     (((HUGS)))  Enjoy your visit--and who's in charge of kleenex?

**One of the common courtesy rules of web pages is that you notify an artist when you use his/her graphics and send them the URL of the page.  Since we dedicated this to Rhymester, we asked her to look at it before it was published and she sent back a very touching reply.  Partly because of our contact with her, Rhymester has done some thinking and has decided to rebuild her poetry empire.  I think the kindness Cait, CC, and I offered is an extension of the love and friendship we have received from you, our "brothers and sisters."  So in a way, you helped bring about this joyful news. ***! (See below for links to her site.)
     Thank you, dear friends.  Now, could someone please send an uplifting poem so I'm not crying all the time?!

   Sharing Dreams
  Poems by Christine
  Individual Poems(Single poems submitted by various authors.)

All poems are published with permission and are the copyrighted property of the authors.  For permission to copy them for other than personal use, contact us at and we will forward your request to the author.  The authors have put a lot of work into their poems, please do what is right.

Castle Gardens   Castle Home



***!  Rhymester is a fast worker--she has many of her poems up  and they are beautiful (she also has a wonderful sense of humor).  Visit her Index page!

The beautiful graphics and background on this page
are graciously provided by

Please do not copy or download any of the images on this page.
Instead, we invite you to click on the icon to see this and
many other beautiful graphics at Rhymester's web site.


This page updated 9/9/99