Poems by Jagger
Index Page

     Jagger is an immortal fur person who inhabits the Castle.  Although fiercely protective, he is also known for his reflective moments.  The following pages are a few of the poems from those introspective periods that he has granted us permission to publish.  Also, the background on this page was chosen by Jagger--his mom says it captures his expression the best.

Jagger has chosen one of his favorite songs that you
may listen to as you read his poetry:

Bad to the Bone

Page 1

Page 2

Poet's Corner Castle Gardens Castle Home

The purrfect background and graphics on Jagger's pages
are graciously provided by
Cats 'n' Kittens' Designs
Please do not copy or download any of the images on this page.
Instead, we invite you to click on the icon to see this and
many other feline graphics offered at the web site.

"Bad to the Bone" found at
The MIDI Farm

This page updated 7/11/99