The Castle Green Everyone wants to have fun, express their own opinion and be heard, smile, laugh, and in general enjoy themselves. Here on the Green is our Carnival. We have a wonderful Joust and a hopefully hilarious Jester. As we find new acts, we will be adding them in the empty area's of the fields and the thinner areas of our forest's. If you wish your act to be considered, please apply to The Carnival Overseer's. They will consider all submissions with open minds.
Welcome to the Castle Green. Glad you could join the fun! Here on
this part of the Castle Green is our Carnival. If you wish to go to the
Castle Gardens, just follow the path below. We will be adding to this
area, like the others in the Castle as soon as we are able :)
Thank you for your patience!The Carnival
The Joust
In the left field, we have our Joust, a verbal play where we debate and often will agree only to disagree. Please, do not let any of the opinions here disturb you, some of them are posted to be "Devil's Advocate." After the Joust has completed in the Green, you may carry on discussing, in a fair and respectful manner, over at the forum. Please feel free to post you opinions there.
If you wish to participate in the Joust itself, Please contact The Mediator with your Joust topic and appropriateness of the topic will be weighed. The Mediator has promised to remain neutral in all cases.
Please continue to use the links below. We will change the page with each new Tourney, but will maintain the same page.
Round 1: The Point
Round 2: The Counter
Round 3: The Reply
Round 4: The Last Word .... or at least at the site. Go to our Forum for a
continued and open discussion.![]()
The Jester's Graffiti Wall
The Jester wishes only to see that everyone has a smile on their face, especially those that are new visitor's. Our Jester has traveled far to find fun ways to make you laugh. Our Jester, knowing that all places cannot be reached alone, gladly takes suggestions and submissions from other's.I, the Castle Cleric, am temporarily taking over this page. Our Jester is, well, otherwise occupied and un-disturbable at the moment. So, for now, I should have the page up and running semi-regularly, as long as they let me out of my cell...The Castle Cleric's E-Cards We are working on ecards at the moment, drawn by our very own Castle
Kids. As soon as these are available, it will be noted here :)
Thank you :)The Castle
GardensOur Gardens are ready for your viewing pleasure. There are Poets, Musicians, Fortune Tellers, and a wealth of information on old fashioned remedies and herbs. Please visit them as you can. Remember, for a flower to bloom, there must be kindness and love, and our gardeners are constantly working on keeping it fresh. Keep this in mind as you wander through.
Our background is provided by a
private owner who is a Contributor to our site.
This comes from a personal Photo collection
and has been altered to the owners specs.
Please do not steal this background.